tdi_logik's new TDi. 03 jetta variant

motor is hurt… looks like the slight runaway was too much and it bent a rod(s)

im so depressed.


Sorry to hear man

Oh shit :frowning:

i want it fixed before april 10th. personal goal.

fuck man this blows.

Sucks petar! Do a CR swap!

Pete, if youre doing work and I can help in some way, let me know. I’ll stop by. I have free weekends.

Thought ya didn’t have a job VOT

I dont, but I have to do schoolwork and such on weekdays.

no way bro! alh 4 lyfe!

thanks, if anything pops up i’ll let you know

damn pete, looks like you caught some of my luck… are you looking for a new shortblock or doing a rebuild on this?

Sorry to hear man… Im in the same boat as you

haha right!!! but idk yet, going to do a compression test and verify but once i take the head off and see how everything looks, i may slam dunk a set of IE rods and bearing/rings so she will then be good for BIG TQ BABY.

but if shes in rough shape im gonna get a new bottom end and do that.

yea it sucks, so depressing. i literally love this car… what sucks is the fact that motors for these things aren’t cheap like d series’s are LOL

I hear ya. thats one good thing about VRs they are everywhere and hella cheap

probably the ONLY good thing about vr’s


kidding obviously

Yah man… you deff got a point there, Im looking for one right now. Just pisses me off that I have to go through this bullshit again.

Have you done an injector cut out on it Pete? That’s how the old cummins we have sound when an injector poops out.

do tell what that is frank!!!.. i stumpled upon something like this on tdi club but didn’t really look at it

You turn off power to each injector while it is idling. When you turn the power off the motor will sound as if it is “knocking” worse. You do it one at a time. If you cut the power on one and the motor noise doesn’t change, the injector is bad. Text me if you have any questions Pete.