tdi_logik's new TDi. 03 jetta variant

Ill be saying the same thing with my next car, Still do say it now lol.

love your sig…always makes me giggle:number1

So whats going on with the evo? more boost, diffrent turbo, wheels? you never hit me up anymore PETER…

any s4’s fans around here? all i can find is honda’s and camaros

learn how to use a forum

Holy shit all I meant was diesel trucks FTW. Was a joke :facepalm :lol

Yeahhhhh do some searching, theres a few :ninja

He owned a Toyota too! :excited

o2 dump, more boost, ported shroud, maybe a set of cams, and coilovers, and a tire… cant afford much more then that…

Pete can I borrow the wagon so I can christen it right for ya… :lol

ported shrouds FTW. I got one too!!!

and a handful of nissans and a dsm.

also have a LS-based platform in the garage that my father and i enjoy. but again, i just like VW. you idiot.

years ago, i was looking at Cummins trucks, 04-05 2500 4x4, 6 speed Dodges. but like now, i didnt have a use for it.

so today i figured i’d plug away at this thing a little, tapped the intercooler pipe for a boost source for my boost gauge, hooked up the boost gauge, wired it up. all is good.

then i had to replace a leaky injectot seal because at the time when i was swapping injectors nobody had them in stock so i reused them. well that was a bad idea, now the other three are leaking and i need to replace those.

then i did the CCV mod so oil doesn’t re-route back into the intake… very easy to make and i have a little valve at the bottom to drain the oil during an oil change.

tommorrow i will install the other three new injector seals…

heres a pic of what i did today

heres a picture of why it was lacking power when i got it ( plugged intake with carbon)

holy fucking ass pete, thats the worst intake i’ve seen. lol. I hope that EGR is coming off.

Holy shit that is plugged. Pete is a TDI engineer now. Why the fuck is that so inefficient.

EGR, and its stupid fucking cooler doesn’t belong diesels. PERIOD. Nothign like wet-stacking right out the factory. fucking idiot politcians and their emissions B.S. I’m fucking burning a prius today.


Yea out of all the tdi’s ive done this was the worst… The egr is still there but I made two block off plates, one for the bottom of the egr and one for the top of the manifold

fuck EGR’s all together! evoh was vented to atmosphere as is vette!

truck just has a block off plate…