:tdown: to Mike Smith GMC/Buick/Pontiac


umm what? I don’t really care about the costs…i care about the costs in comparison to the value of the vehicle first of all. Secondly if I end up getting the 335, and this is the part you have to pay attention, it wont cost me a fucking cent in brakes, oil, or inspections for 50,000 miles So please explain to me how it’s going to cost me more to maintain over the next 2 years?

The fact that I don’t do perform regular maintenance service on my car does not for a second excuse the fact that you apparently suck at driving. Unless you were making north of 380 whp within 9,000 miles on the car, there’s no excuse for needing a new clutch. Fuck even cams + tune + pump should last 30k+

Note that I’m completely ignoring the fact I didn’t even factor in labor in my original figures fuck nut.


I was making 350+ WHP with an evo 9 with less than 3k miles on the car and I dont care about your BMW free maintenance crap. Bottom line is I’m not going to listen to some one say I dont know how to drive when you dont even touch your car and have no idea what Ive got done to the car. I’ll work on my car till the day I die, fucking shit up even; but I wont listen to some douche bag criticize me that cant even change his own oil/ brakes

Joe the min i meet you I knew you thought you and your car were hot shit, when you realize your nothing more than a typical faggot then you can tell me I cant drive for shit.