:tdown: to Mike Smith GMC/Buick/Pontiac

idk, if i had a warranty car DD, I’d sure as hell take the dealership up on the free maintenance. why the hell not. and before you say some stupid thing about me not “wrenching” on my own car, becuase you think it makes you look like a manly man, dont


You never beat my times dude, you thought you did but you didnt and if you want a go at it again then I’ll be at the next Track day… I mean Lap day according to you.

And for the record


OK…If I still have the evo come June 5 I’ll get new tires and pads. We’ll both go out for 5 laps. If you can beat my elapsed time I’ll give you $300, if you can’t you’ll give me $300.

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:181,topic:28128"”]

idk, if i had a warranty car DD, I’d sure as hell take the dealership up on the free maintenance. why the hell not. and before you say some stupid thing about me not “wrenching” on my own car, becuase you think it makes you look like a manly man, dont


The point was he was complaining on spending big money on maintenance; when you do the work yourself you cut that anywhere between 50-75%. I hate working on my car but I accomplish 2 things set forth. I learn about the car and I save money. I dont know my car in and out and I’ll be the first to admit that but I’m not going to read a manufactures manual to learn from it. He physically attacked me on the basis on not knowing how to drive when little does he know me/ what the car has been through and what was done to it.


OK…If I still have the evo come June 5 I’ll get new tires and pads. We’ll both go out for 5 laps. If you can beat my elapsed time I’ll give you $300, if you can’t you’ll give me $300.


Why cant we just see who beats who, I’m not a poor sport or a poor loser but I’m not going to dish out $300 if i lose. Why $300?

ya but the facts and figures YOU presented kind of puts that mystery in perspective, doesn’t it. he was probably trying to bust your balls, and you went a little haywire. of course no “driver” wants to hear they suck, but it sounds like your riding the clutch there bud


Why $300?


because it was less than the $500 i was sure you wouldn’t agree to.

Some sort of money has to be involved here or it’s just not worth the effort, so pick a number between $100 and $500

I met Jrod Sunday at auto-x. Seemed like a down to earth good guy.

Love how internet drama gets going.


internet drama is the shit

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:188,topic:28128"”]

internet drama is the shit


Quoted for truth.

Sure helps the workday pass quicker.

well im sitting here in the baldy library, need to whip up 2 pages by 3 oclock, and this isnt helping my case :slight_smile:


because it was less than the $500 i was sure you wouldn’t agree to.

Some sort of money has to be involved here or it’s just not worth the effort, so pick a number between $100 and $500


If i didnt have school loans coming up I’d agree. Why dont one of us pays for the others track day. Or one of these sundays we can auto X and see our times

oh ohh!!! Autox for money? Can I get in on this???


1989 civic = 40 mpg = lower insurance = 87 octane = saving money.


Bringing this thread back to the matter at hand.

When I was finishing school, I had a 93 Saturn SC1 1.9L that cost me $1900, got 35mpg, and that I put only oil and gas into.

That’s how you save money and move out.


I met Jrod Sunday at auto-x. Seemed like a down to earth good guy.


:tup: I try to be

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:185,topic:28128"”]

but it sounds like your riding the clutch there bud


The power i was putting out couldnt hold the stock clutch… I knew this before I got everything tuned. I just didnt see it coming that soon but I guess thats what u get when you have launch control at 5500RPM’s. From what ive read/ heard the Evo 8 and 9 are totally different when it comes to tuning.

I love the fact that the op buys a 8.1L powered anything, and he wants to save money to move out.

Thats so funny.

Trust me dude, when your rent is due, and you get a 300 dollar gas bill, and you are pumping 60 bucks a week into that truck it will get old fast.

For christ sakes, my truck is a 4.6L sohc, and I baby the shit out of it, and it is maintained with synthetic everything, and tuned up. I can’t even get 18 out of it on the highway, and its more like 13-14 around town.

Good thing its paid off.

Also a gto is not a great dailiy driver around here anyways. Trust me, you will be pissed off when its winter, and a salt truck is dumping pounds of salt all over your hood, and your sliding all over the road, white knuckle driving on the 990.

you queers better not stop arguing. this shit has to get me through a 3 hour class.

just a little FYI the clutch for the 05 EVO is the same for the 06 EVO


just a little FYI the clutch for the 05 EVO is the same for the 06 EVO


I know

<3 Dex

so Mike, what were u paying for the GTO monthly and what are you paying for the truck???