:tdown: to Mike Smith GMC/Buick/Pontiac


fuck you, ive raped people for far less than this. you think you can fucking come on NySpeed and just act like a fucking hardass and order people around? Bad news for you, fuckface, but tonights the night your luck runs out. You fucking tell ANYBODY on these forums what to do again, and you’re going to find out the hard way what a fucking baseball bat to the side of the skull feels like. Think I’m fucking kidding? I have your IP, I know who you are, and Im more than willing to settle this argument face to fucking face. You call yourself “Hooligan”? We’ll see who’s the hooligan when one of us is lying face down in a pile of their own blood, shit, and piss. Try and order someone else on here around, and see what fucking happens to you. I’m normally a calm guy but when I need to, I’m willing to break some fucking face to get my point across, just fucking test me you worthless sack of excrement.



tone down the disrespect. you should be careful how you talk to me on nyspeed. you think i can’t bribe howie for your IP address? don’t even fucking reply to this. consider yourself warned.



tone down the disrespect. you should be careful how you talk to me on nyspeed. you think i can’t bribe howie for your IP address? don’t even fucking reply to this. consider yourself warned.




Meh, I must be getting old. You haven’t even riled me. Keep trying little man…


Wasn’t trying to rile you, just stating a point

FWIW my evo’s clutch lasted to 30k.

Jrod, you are a fucking psycho.


whys that?


Roll the tape!..


FWIW my evo’s clutch lasted to 30k.

Jrod, you are a fucking psycho.


just fyi: I have relatives from not so far back that were nimibian tribesman. they happen to have fought lions just to become warriors. I dont know what you know about lions but they aren’t like your average cat. I bet you would absolutely shit yourself if you ever saw a real life lion… especially if you were only holding a sharpened stick and you were naked. come talk to me when some of your family members have gone on the zambutu bibjano; aka the trial of life. until you have done half the shit that they have maybe you shouldnt even talk to me like this. I know you think you’re hard and shit but guess what pal… u arent’. now go grow some namibian genes and we’ll talk about this shit for real


attempt at being funny


i really don’t like your online persona. i find it annoying.

I dont think I’m hard I just dont back down on anything… sorry man thats just how i am


just fyi: I have relatives from not so far back that were nimibian tribesman. they happen to have fought lions just to become warriors. I dont know what you know about lions but they aren’t like your average cat. I bet you would absolutely shit yourself if you ever saw a real life lion… especially if you were only holding a sharpened stick and you were naked. come talk to me when some of your family members have gone on the zambutu bibjano; aka the trial of life. until you have done half the shit that they have maybe you shouldnt even talk to me like this. I know you think you’re hard and shit but guess what pal… u arent’. now go grow some namibian genes and we’ll talk about this shit for real


When you[SIZE=2] kill a lion naked with your little stick, come talk to us. mmmk?[/SIZE]


i really don’t like your online persona. i find it annoying.


you aren’t getting the jist of things.

02CelicaGt This message is hidden because 02CelicaGt is on your ignore list.

Boy, that is much nicer to read than ANYTHING CelicaGt has ever posted.




Fuck it you know what?
No more Mr. Nice Guy, I come in your threads and I post so that you think someone gives a damn about your stupid worthless so called “life” well this is the end of the fucking line. From now on im gonna make your message board life a living hell and you cant do anything about it except burn, and if someone comes to put the fire out ill tear them down like a tree limb by limb just like I did you. I almost want you to test me just so I can unleash the beast on your sorry ass and be done with you forever so go ahead and give me the green light,faggot.

ok. if thats how you want it to be, your choice. do you honestly think i cant bribe howie or rubicant or any other mod for your ip adress? everyone has a price. im on 2 grams of test a week and a gram of tren. do this a couple months back, ok i mightve let it slide, now, someone so much as looks at me the wrong way and theres gonna be probs, lucky for me they always back the fuck down so i dont gotta get my hands dirty. i know youll try the same when shit hits the fan but dont think ill be so linient, cause i wont. dont say i didnt warn you.


you aren’t getting the jist of things.


no i completely understand. i’m speaking in regards to how you’ve posted over the last week or so, not just your posts in this isolated thread. talking shit to people that don’t deserve it and fronting your car like it’s something worth looking twice at. that’s why i find your online demeanor annoying


02CelicaGt This message is hidden because 02CelicaGt is on your ignore list.

Boy, that is much nicer to read than ANYTHING CelicaGt has ever posted.


Oh Clarky McClark Clark

(someone quote me, so he can see me)

Wow, just wow… This makes my day go fast… :tup: :tup:


no i completely understand. i’m speaking in regards to how you’ve posted over the last week or so, not just your posts in this isolated thread. talking shit to people that don’t deserve it and fronting your car like it’s something worth looking twice at. that’s why i find your online demeanor annoying


sign onto AIM.


sign onto AIM.


02CelicaGt This message is hidden because 02CelicaGt is on your ignore list.


I dont think I’m hard I just dont back down on anything… sorry man thats just how i am


*See : hard-headed(adj.)


*See : hard-headed(adj.)


indeed, I wont argue with that