:tdown: to Mike Smith GMC/Buick/Pontiac


FYI, scotty was the origional series, you have the Next generation enterprise there… It wouldve been “Mr Obrien, one to beam up.”. :stuck_out_tongue:


OH !! AND FYI!!!

SCOTTY did make an appearance with Kirk and someone else on
Star Trek : Generations!!

so it could still have worked… so HA!







I love how he looks just before he rolls under the door. You can totally tell he is following the instructions the stuntmen gave him on how to take a fall.

i think that was in the movie wehere the warp drive is gonna explode and data gets stuck in or something…

but yeah its cut… it looks like but he was turning away when this gif was cut…

kinda looks like it tho. nice observation!

reading this was a waste of my time after the first two pages. Unless you plan to tow something buying the 8.1 was :bloated: But I can’t hate on you too much since the NV263 or maybe NV261 in that thing is what pays my salary. People stop buying big 4x4s and I’m screwed…lol


Roll the tape!..


LOL. I saw you the other night and to be honest, not what I expected. :smiley:














ok, to answer a few questions…

i only paid $16,000 for the GTO because i got hooked up from my work. Mike Smith didn’t know this. so, for 4 years, my payments for the GTO were $392 a month at 8% through GMAC.

they gave me $20,500 for my car. so, that covered the buyout on the loan and gave me ~4 grand to put down on the truck. My bank was also having a deal on Used Car Loans at the time, so they were able to finance me for 4 years at 5.5%. This brought my monthly payment down to $348. this saves me $44 a month.

my insurance was almost cut in half, and i got the GM Certified Used warranty on the truck (this adds value to me because the GTO did not have that and if something broke i would have to pay out of pocket).

I also dont want to buy an older car because, lets face it, its gonna break. i dont care if its a honda or a toyota, something thats old and cheap is gonna break (besides the fact that im 6’2" @ about 250 and probably couldnt even fit in one)

so, even if i do end up spending that $44 i save on my monthly payment on gas, im still saving money on insurance and potentially on the cost of repairs. im sorry if you dont agree with that.

This thread has been!!!



ok, to answer a few questions…

i only paid $16,000 for the GTO because i got hooked up from my work. Mike Smith didn’t know this. so, for 4 years, my payments for the GTO were $392 a month at 8% through GMAC.

they gave me $20,500 for my car. so, that covered the buyout on the loan and gave me ~4 grand to put down on the truck. My bank was also having a deal on Used Car Loans at the time, so they were able to finance me for 4 years at 5.5%. This brought my monthly payment down to $348. this saves me $44 a month.

my insurance was almost cut in half, and i got the GM Certified Used warranty on the truck (this adds value to me because the GTO did not have that and if something broke i would have to pay out of pocket).

I also dont want to buy an older car because, lets face it, its gonna break. i dont care if its a honda or a toyota, something thats old and cheap is gonna break (besides the fact that im 6’2" @ about 250 and probably couldnt even fit in one)

so, even if i do end up spending that $44 i save on my monthly payment on gas, im still saving money on insurance and potentially on the cost of repairs. im sorry if you dont agree with that.


$0 down on the GTO? whats up with the 4 year payments?? i would have probably went with 5 years to get the payment down then pay more monthly if your financial shit changed. IMO


Mike Smith didn’t know this.



:fwd’s to mike smith:

from reading alot of your threads/posts mikeri… you go thru way more cars in 1 year then a girl goes thru tampons…

you need to make up y0 fuckin mind s0n

$17,500 for the truck? less than kbb but still a little steep to me…depends on miles I guess


ok, to answer a few questions…

i only paid $16,000 for the GTO because i got hooked up from my work. Mike Smith didn’t know this. so, for 4 years, my payments for the GTO were $392 a month at 8% through GMAC.

they gave me $20,500 for my car. so, that covered the buyout on the loan and gave me ~4 grand to put down on the truck. My bank was also having a deal on Used Car Loans at the time, so they were able to finance me for 4 years at 5.5%. This brought my monthly payment down to $348. this saves me $44 a month.

my insurance was almost cut in half, and i got the GM Certified Used warranty on the truck (this adds value to me because the GTO did not have that and if something broke i would have to pay out of pocket).

I also dont want to buy an older car because, lets face it, its gonna break. i dont care if its a honda or a toyota, something thats old and cheap is gonna break (besides the fact that im 6’2" @ about 250 and probably couldnt even fit in one)

so, even if i do end up spending that $44 i save on my monthly payment on gas, im still saving money on insurance and potentially on the cost of repairs. im sorry if you dont agree with that.


Wow. $44/month savings. Epic.

So let me get this right. You did all this to “save money”, yet you are still locked into a long term loan?

$44/month is what…$520 or so a year in savings?

Gonna save on insurance huh? All those “savings” will go right into your gas tank this summer and you will STILL have to shell out, there’s no savings there. Even if you are putting regular 87 octane in ($.30 difference from 93 octane) you are getting half the mpg of the car, and filling up a BIGGER gas tank. Have you not been paying attention to where gas prices are expected to be by the time June rolls around?

Something tells me ~$500 “savings” means you’ll be living with your parents for quite some time.

Meanwhile you buy a nice ECONOMICAL CAR for say $5000, even if you repaired the thing a few times, it would never get anywhere near $16,000. Insurance would be EVEN CHEAPER, gas would be CHEAPER, repairs would be cheaper because last I checked, parts for trucks cost more than parts for cars.

Seriously do you ever think to sit down and think before you do something? Ever?

lol I make a lot more then you and I don’t like my $250 car payment…thats gotta suck $350+ not being able to work full time in school…

I would aim for a lower car payment untill you get out of school…

Last time i checked you could buy a nice gas saver for under 2k and what repairs?A tierod end 20 bucks.Wheel bearings 10 bucks?Fuel pump for 50?That really compares to a 20k truck in repairs


Seriously do you ever think to sit down and think before you do something? Ever?


in the words of the magic 8-ball

All signs point to no.