:tdown: to Mike Smith GMC/Buick/Pontiac


Yeah, well there are shops that will also overlook MANY other things on cars and still pass them.

Oh, and Celica dude, you have a massive stick up your ass yourself. The OP isn’t exactly the greatest, but you are NO better.


yes i am :slight_smile:

check your invoice to see if they billed you for fuel. i know my gf’s car came with a full tank, and they billed her for it.

the car should have been detailed… at least if they want repeat business it should have been.


yeah, i’d imagine the headlight was fine to pass.

I just think you’re expecting too much.


I would be pissed if i just bought a truck from a dealer with a busted headlight that will eventually leak and blow out bulbs one after another. Also every dealership i have worked at… they ALWAYS fill the tank. Sounds like a shaddy place. :tdown:

wait didnt u buy a gto like 2 months ago, what happened

I can see giving you a few gallons, maybe a half tank at most but thats it.





Did I see you on hunterscreek this morning about 7:35-7:40ish.


You’re a fucking cry baby shit head. Why would they give you a full tank of gas? I wouldn’t want you around my dealership any longer than needed, and they probably felt the same way…filling up your tank would mean they’d have to deal with you for 15 more minutes.




Boy, sure sounds to me that youre the one pissing and moaning here. And if thats your attitude towards customers, I hope you open a dealership. Because you will promptly go out of business…

You are profoundly dumb.

Mike is right, within reason. While it is not required to give you a car with gas and detail it, its important for maintaining customer relations. As we have seen, Mike likes to buy cars. So odds are, they lost a future sale.

I think this is lifes way of telling you that you shouldnt have gotten rid of the GTO… wow 19 people viewing.

i called them RIGHT after i left to say something about the gas. I had to be downtown for something, so i stopped at the first gas station i came to on the way there, and as i was filling up, i had the used car manager on the phone. so its not like i waited. i noticed the headlight as i was getting gas as well.

mike… told ya that you should of swapped rims/tires with me before ya traded the car in lol

edit: and honestly… I don’t blame ya for being pissed off about any of the above. It’s just good buisness to detail and fill the tank of the cars/trucks. Every car I’ve ever bought had that done except the Gto (go figure).

honestly, nothing is probably going to happen as a result. I’ll tell ya though, you want them to take care of ya… start yelling in a showroom full of (potential) customers :D… usually gets them a little more willing to help you out


mike… told ya that you should of swapped rims/tires with me before ya traded the car in lol


i would have, but what i was afraid of actually happened. they did look over the car again when i went to pick up the new truck.

14 viewing… what no “poll thread”?


I can see giving you a few gallons, maybe a half tank at most but thats it.


Did I see you on hunterscreek this morning about 7:35-7:40ish.


You did.

I was late for work, and possibly speeding. Haha. My girlfriend lives up on Maple Hill Rd.

Where were you?

I would not give them my business. They should have cleaned the car before delivery and had some gas in it. Even if they filled it up and billed you for it I would not complain. They should have said they were sorry about the headlight and fixed it for you.

PM sent

Haha, thanks.

/End hijack.

i think his point was - he tried to be nice about it and get a couple of small things taken care of, and the dealer wouldn’t even budge to help him. if they won’t help make you happy on a couple small issues, they’re definitely not going to budge at all if you run into some bigger problems down the road.

i would think they gas up a newly purchased vehicle for you… and have it clean… if not for any other reason, it’s not worth the bad comments that will be shared, like what happened here. so i give them a t-down as well for just not being smart in general.

They saw you trading in a GTO on a truck and figured you didn’t know all that much about cars anyway :tdown:

You accepted the truck from them. It was your responsibility to look it over before you left the lot. For all they know, the lens was cracked after it left. The gas part sucks but they are not required to fill it up. Again, if you wanted more gas, you should have asked before taking delivery of it. Same goes for detailing.

This all falls on you. Maybe next time you should pick up a vehicle when you are not in so much of a hurry.


You accepted the truck from them. It was your responsibility to look it over before you left the lot. For all they know, the lens was cracked after it left. The gas part sucks but they are not required to fill it up. Again, if you wanted more gas, you should have asked before taking delivery of it. Same goes for detailing.

This all falls on you. Maybe next time you should pick up a vehicle when you are not in so much of a hurry.


usually they charge you for a full tank of gas…they only charged me 20 for a full tank tank in northtown hyundai…i am pretty sure they all do since the contract for car sales are pretty standard…and they all have the space to charge you for gas and disposal fee for 4 tires…2.50 each.
about detailing…i bought a new car and there was still a little bit of glue left from the protective plastic and some mud on the arm rest from previous tester…so i am guessing they do not detail it before they deliver the car…also there was a tire cap missing which i told them and they took it from another car put them in…
all things expected …from dealers…

what kind of truck you get