Teachers salaries

Oh cry me a river. Let’s all feel bad for the terrible plight of teachers. I mean they chose to do it, nobody forced them. I’m so tired of hearing about correcting tests and papers after hours. Most jobs require off-hours work, but very few of those jobs offer 3-4 months/yr of vacation (all summer, and way better holidays than the rest of us get). And when you’re done at 2:30 or 3:30, it’s really not such a freaking big deal to do a little work at night. Try working until 6, and still taking work home. Oh…you coach a sport and stay late too? Well that optional, typically pays more, and doesn’t last all year.

Teachers don’t have it all that bad. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying teachers don’t do any work, although arguably, there are plenty that do just that. And I’m sure those kids are no picnic, but we all deal with assholes at work, unfortunately the rest of us work 12 months/yr, not 8 or 9.