Team Pittspeed: Operation Firefox
After taking a look at the prizes they don’t seem to be all that bad, wondering if any of the pittspeed members would like to try out for this. Judging on what it would probably take to win the contest we’d need some skinny and nimble people in on this (sorry pewter :love:) Let me know what you guys think

I got some ideas, but fat people > *

firefox is gay

until you have cardiovascular problems!!! but seriously your on the nimble side, i’ve seen you in action(paintballing), how many people would we want to get in on this?

i don’t care if it was to market microsuck windows 95, the prizes are well worth it

firefox is really gay

It sounds interesting…

…what is this nimble side of fat you speak of?

Chico and I went paintballing earlier this year when it was still cold out at All American, to be his size his ass can move pretty quick and maneuver well, i said that just in case someone comes up with a really bright idea that needs to be done quickly because of the legality of it

i allready have a wii. fuck that

a 3.5ft sticker REALLY isn’t that big…much smaller than they have photoshopped on the side of buildings. They look to be about 8-12 feet.

Thats what i was looking at, it would be useless to put it on a building like that, i was thinking more so of like an overpass or something that on a major roadway

it seems like it would fun to do. But if you have a team of people, does everyone on the team qualify for the grand prize??

has to be legal, that and you have to fill out a form for this. After you fill out the form they clear it and send you the sticker. After you hang the sticker then YOU MIGHT win.

Yea, and this damn sticker needs to be bigger. Idea, when someone is downtown or heading into town whether they be a resident or vacationer, what is one of the things that grabs their attention first

the incline or bayer clock

or maybe heniz field on the scoreboard

anybody have pictures of these said locations?

ummm put it on the roof of someone’s car, along w/ a pittspeed sticker, and have that person get in a high speed pursuit, that way the helicopter televises the ad?

or put the ONE STICKER on the template of the pittspeed stickers and then distribute the new pittspeed stickers… technically their one sticker is in just one place…

if i actually cared about this what so ever, i could probably have a good shot, living in DC and all…

definately top of some important ass building. how bout a firefox streaker at a steelers football game?? more importantly at the patriots/colts game since that will be watched by more ppl than the superbowl