Tech support takes alot of patience...

hahahaha yeah Jay, today has been especially bad…even over in my department…I want to choke some people

One I’ll never forget.

him (thick asian accent): I have over 100 picture from camera on desktop. It’s too many, what can I do?
me: Well sir, you can create a folder, then drag and drop them into it.
him: Drag…and…drop?

cbergeron still work there?

lol yepppp

i would love if for some magical reason the internet just stopped!


It is true. Tons of IT Professionals started their careers in help desk positions.

“The only thang that we got online was the fish we caught for supper time.”

lol <3 country music

they need the gay smiley with a cowboy hat on.

i feel like i have to go for counseling when i leave here, due to strong levels of rage that will quickly build up when bullshit questions are asked.

Find me one. :tup:

i did’nt feel bad at all when some dumb broad got charged 75 dollars for me to turn the wireless switch on the on position.


ugh, most image sites are blocked at work. Even the new smileys are red x’s :frowning:

I’m just posting ones that I find. If we find a good one I’ll put it on my photobucket before I make it a smiley.

yea, his & my work block PB.

not that it matters.

lol what the shit. what about the bitchy people in the midnorth, alittle smarter because they know how to click on things but think they are amazing at life and are very pushy. any smilies for that? lol

LOL …stupid L-NET

the stories i have from idiots that called…i can go on for hours.

sean knows what im talking about.