Teen Beats Up Grandma Because She Won't Buy Him Beer

maybe he was going to have some friends over for some suds… or maybe he was going on an adventure, like in beer commercials.
maybe he was going white water rafting and then drinking beer or something; that shits expensive.

wow… I’d like to punch that kid in the face :tup:

thats fucked up… I dont know what I’d do if I ever saw someone beat down an elderly person. Unless it was like the video of the 2 old men fist fighting… because that was just funny.

If i tried this shit on my grandma she’d shoot me…

no really she showed me the gun…

You might be a red neck if…

damn it feels good to be a gangsta

lol i agree. Keystone is like a party in a can for some people.

His mother is in prison on cocaine possession and sale charges, and his father is serving a 15-year prison sentence for manslaughter after choking a prostitute to death in 2002.

And we’re shocked that this kid is fucked in the head?

This is why I’m pro-choice.
With justice douchebag getting confirmed, we’re one step ccloser to a few more million of these.

They should throw the kid in prison for a year, and every other day, beat him
with a 2x4…

Fuck cruel and unusual punishment, beat the bastard!

lol I like how you think :tup:

It’s only unusual because we don’t do it that often. :tup: