Teen Beats Up Grandma Because She Won't Buy Him Beer

From channel 2.

Bradenton, Florida – Deputies say a 16-year-old has been arrested for beating his grandmother with a two-by-four for refusing to give him $100 for beer.

Charged is Kurt Cass of Hammock Drive, Bradenton.

Investigators say Cass went into his 60-year-old grandmother’s bedroom Thursday and asked her for $100 for beer. When she refused, he allegedly placed a razor blade on her throat and demanded she take him to the bank to get the money, deputies said.

“When the victim arrived back home she locked all of the doors,” deputies reported. "The defendant arrived back home and kicked the front door in.

“Once inside the defendant grabbed a two foot 2x4 piece of wood and hit the victim numerous times on the back. The defendant then grabbed a three foot piece of 3 inch PVC pipe and hit the victim on her head, back, and legs numerous times. The defendant’s case worker arrived on scene and was able to hold him until law enforcement arrived.”

Deputies said Cass has made comments in the past to his grandmother that she should kill his entire family.

Cass was charged with domestic aggravated assault, two counts of domestic aggravated battery, attempted robbery, and kidnapping.

The grandmother has had legal guardianship of Cass and his little brother since 1994.

Authorities tell Tampa Bay’s 10 News Wednesday that Cass came from a troubled family. His mother is in prison on cocaine possession and sale charges, and his father is serving a 15-year prison sentence for manslaughter after choking a prostitute to death in 2002.


What a way to follow in your parents foot steps. People like this should just be shot.

wow, dysfunctional isnt even the word for that family

sounds like a bunch of winers. If i were the grandmother, i would throw his ass out on the streets

not true. you can’t get in trouble for killing a hooker. hookers aren’t real people.

seriously though that is fucked up.

wow what a messsssssss


i beg to differ. i have a bumper sticker on the passat that says “hookers are people too”, and you have to believe everything you read on bumper stickers.

wow. thats beyond rediculous and uncalled for…especially over beer.
hope that kid gets in a whole lot shit for it.

What if it was really great beer, like keystone and keystone light?..It does have a specially lined can. Yeah still not worth beating up grandma.

agreed. :shoot:

don’t use anything valuable, use a bow and arrow, the arrow’s reusable.

i dont know…

no bitter beer face is a pretty tough act to follow. whats grandma got going for her?



Or do like the Spartans did and toss them off a cliff at birth.

If she would have bought him the beer, he might have been to hammered to get her, or even care…


what a little bastard waste of life

i heard about this on the edge this morning…shred and regan were talking about it

“Is daddy gonna have to choke a bitch?”

Man those kids were born into a life of hopelessness and should have been vacuumed out before they could start fucking up the world.

$100 for beer… last i checked icehouse and keystone was $13 for a 30 pack …he wanted the ccocaineiow to blow .

jeez, and he didn’t even give gramma a 2x4 of her own to defend herself. that kid is a chickenshit, and I hope that someday we may get to use capital punishment on him.