Teeth, the movie - WTF check this trailer out.

For the movie Teeth :uhh:

I think the they have offically run out of things to make movies about!

What the hell

so her pussy is a monster that eats everything???

seriously… this is nothing new

This went up for sale today! Who’s getting / renting it?

Movie Night?

“Every rose has it’s thorns”


I was listening to shredd & ragan’s review… its sounds like a great toungue in cheek horror flick.

I posted in the movie thread about this.
Its just wrong.
They show severed cocks everywhere and only one poor set of tits.
It was like a 5/10 in my opinion.

i rented this the other day but the disc didn’t work. :frowning:

What were you expecting? Not eveyone is in it for the tits either…

Had a chance this week to FINALLY sink my teeth into the movie Teeth. My new good friend and fellow wannabee-critic Robert Bell reviewed it some time back and said alot of good things about it. So in order to continue our ‘he said, she said’ errr sorry ‘he said, manlier he said’ I wanted to share my take on the film. Teeth is dark, witty and funny in a casual and very subtle kind of way. Calling this the Fatal Attraction of our generation is an under-statement. I am glad I am off the dating scene because I would never want to get some booty again! I can pretty much guarantee Jess Weixler who plays the lead character Dawn is not getting any, any time soon.

TEETH tells the story of High school student Dawn (Jess Weixler) works hard at suppressing her budding sexuality by being the local chastity group’s most active participant. Her task is made even more difficult by her bad boy stepbrother Brad’s (John Hensley) increasingly provocative behavior at home.

A stranger to her own body, innocent Dawn discovers she has a toothed vagina when she becomes the object of violence. As she struggles to comprehend her anatomical uniqueness, Dawn experiences both the pitfalls and the power of being a living example of the vagina dentata myth.

I honestly had a hard time putting this movie in because the whole premise is about a womans Vagina that has teeth and chomps off your pee-pee. I couldnt quite figure out if it was really for me and frankly it scared me in the deepest parts of my being. Or at least the most important parts! Teeth is a really well written and well shot film that has great imagery, top notch acting and some of the funniest characters I have seen in a horror/romance/comedy in some time. It is quite refreshing to finally have a new horror film that is not re-inventing anything but rather paving a fresh path in the genre with something truly new.

Its hard to make a comparison between TEETH and other films but if you like Tongue and Cheek humor, can tolerate seeing many penis’s and other anatomy being chomped off by a vagina with teeth this movie is for you. Its disturbing, its creepy and I loved it. A must see movie for you sick and twisted people like me!

combined with the on air clips from 103.3 today, this sounds like a good watch, and prolly a good laugh.


i saw it a week or so ago on butelig and to be honest it was kinda like a angry chick flick but it was still funny as hell

thats the dumbest plot ive ever heard of

I think something is wrong with Dawn O’Keefe.

Nah man I mean its a borefest, even the set of tits dosen’t rank it above a 5.
Rent it, you’ll agree.

I laughed a few times thats about it.

ah i c

I had to bump this, did any of the partys who were intrested see it?
How many people thought it was WEAAK?

downloaded it last week.

messed up movie. who ever thought plot/storyline is retarded, and i really didnt need to see a rott eat a dick


Figures the main character’s name is Dawn.