i switched to the Zerex G05(valvoline) in my car. heard too many stories about switching it over to green, and dexcool just sucks. i’m pretty sure that this “complete” stuff is G05, just made by another company
I used to work for a company that got prototypes from GM and I was the guy who met monthly with the GM engineers to get the cars looked at.They told me Dexcool sukked back then. This was before they really started using it in production cars. I had a '89,'91,'92,'94, & '96 GM experimental & all of them had Dexcool. They said evaporation was a big problem, as well as clogging system. I asked why they were using it. Answer was evaporation & clogging of system. Imagine that. GM sux. I still like alot of GM hotrods, though.