Texas No-Limit Tourney

what are all the payout?how many people get money

The payout is based on how many people we get, if you look at the top I have the pay out based on 16 people. Since this is a small game I’m only paying out the 1st and 2nd place.

So your keeping that extra 150 then?

Count me in for the time being Tom. I don’t think I have anything going on that Sunday, but things might change.

well he did say that there would be pizza and drinks, so id imagine that the extra 150 would be going towards that for 16 hungry people

right that would be about $9.50 for food and drinks per person.

F that i payed 7 and got some sweet food at the bbq.Ill pay for me to play and then bring my own

yeah…you’re prob gonna have to go by his rules or not at all:lol:

Plus the hospitality of him letting us in his home to play cards etc.

and i’m defending him and I dont even like Tom or his gambling problem…

:lol: jk tom, I just dont like you

jk…it’s the gambling :wink:

Yeah, did you get a chance to win over $200?

My brother and I are not playing and will be dealing both tables. We would like to eat and drink too.

Sheet Pizza will cost $25 per sheet.
Since sheet pizza slices are small I figure the average person would eat about 2-3 slices.

Two sheets would barely cover 16 people so now you looking at 3 sheets if you have closer to 20 people.

Thats $75 plus tax just in pizza.

Then everyone wants to drink somthing while they are eating pizza, some will want pop others will want beer. Not to mention a variety of different chips for people while we are actually playing. I plan on spending over hundred on catering any extra will be split between me and my brother for dealing, its not going to be a lot and I think thats fair.

It will not go over $150, any extra players only means the payouts will be larger.

Seems fair to me :tup:

So can I put you on the list then? :stuck_out_tongue:

If it makes you feel better, I won’t be gambling.

It DOES make me feel better!


maybe i’ll swing by or something…ask ben though

1.87Conquesttsi Brent
2.articzap dave
3. llink78 tom
4. Suicide
5. Suicide’s Cousin
6. JeremyNYR (wnyfbody)
7. Itagaki

didnt know you guys were dealing.wheres the pizza from?

Just Pizza

can you send me a pm of where you live? i wanna see how far away you are

out - I’ll be in Bristol, TN for left hand turn racing.

to give you an idea hes about 3 min from UB