Texas No-Limit Tourney

okay okay.

i don’t care about the food, but i’ll come to play and prove my dominance

count me in. only reason i’d be out is if my xgf comes back from her honeymoon and wants to ‘go out’ :lol:

1.87Conquesttsi Brent
2.articzap dave
3. llink78 tom
4. Suicide
5. Suicide’s Cousin
6. JeremyNYR (wnyfbody)
7. Itagaki
8. sureshot! ( adam )

that works… probably right near me then

I dont think Im gonna be going on that canoe trip so theres a good chance I will be there.

Then I’m gonna put you on the list. :slight_smile:

1.87Conquesttsi Brent
2.articzap dave
3. llink78 tom
4. Suicide
5. Suicide’s Cousin
6. JeremyNYR (wnyfbody)
7. Itagaki
8. sureshot! ( adam )
9. Benji86

I will let you know by mid next week!

I’d be in, but I work until 5.


There are still spots open.

I will be PM’ing people the address this week.

im out.Bills game.


there needs to be more than 8 people or it’ll be pointless :tdown:

Fuck it, there looks to be less than 10 people. So the tourney is out.

If you still want to play a small game let me know.

I will be bumping this periodically.

im in no matter wat…i need to take some money :stuck_out_tongue:

i might be up for a small game…

well I know suicide and his cousin live two doors down from me so if you want a small game that would be fine.

It would be one table of about 6.

im there same time? buy in? pop and pizza still supplied or what?

details thx

with only 6 people games go really fast…

usually play a bunch of SNGs.

sng sucks…but wats blinds then

We’ll still get food and stuff.

Depending on how fast the game goes we could easily have more than one.

EDIT: what doe SNG stand for?

that makes no sense. lol. how could you say sng sucks, when thats essentially what you are doing anyways, lol.

unless you wanted to play a cash game?

edit: SNG is online terminology for a 1 table tournament… basically what every home game is. stands for ‘sit n go’

If you guys still want to play PM me and I will still have it.

Probably a one table game.

Sounds like fun, any re-buy ins?