That time again...v. Valentine's gift ideas

FTW, just in time phew! but i got stuck with xmas… argh


Gettin the GF one of these. This year was easy since she actually requested a gift instead of making me think.


Really? They don’t exactly pamper all the other animals you eat. Your reaction is simply amazing. One time my sister got upset because there was an accident where thousands of chicken were running around after a semi full of them crashed. She thought it was terrible that they were all cooped up in there. I was once again dumbstruck at how terrible the average person is at reasoning, and reconciling their emotions with their own actions. Denial is a self defense mechanism right? Maybe for that matter she is great at it. Feel guilty for the animals in the semi but don’t allow yourself to comprehend that it only happens because you eat them and then you don’t have to question the consequences of your actions.

As far as Valentine’s day, it’s a great holiday for shitty spouses to act like they are good ones. It also puts pressure on people who actually treat their significant other wonderfully to do something spectacular. What a crock, the better you are as a partner the harder it is to do something special.

-Go out for dinner, wow, so special
-Eat dinner in together, you don’t do this normally?
-Flowers, great something that dies to signify your love
-Chocolate, who wants to fuck a fatty though
-Jewelry, if a girl actually has unique taste this is an impossible task
-Take her somewhere, well this one makes for a memorable experience but once you do it, you can’t live up to it.

I have generally went with the poem/song and one year I made a picture frame and painted it. But then again, if you do more than watch tv in life these things might not only happen on valentines day. I hate the idea of pressure to impress your loved one on one specific day, you should constantly be showing them you love them.

Make her watch Food Inc.

We must hang out and figure out the world together

custom title?
“Only guy here that has a heart”

“single” this year.

Check. One of the few times of the year I’m glad to be single, my wallet always thanks me.

Found what I’m getting my girlfriend:

that is mos def a female watch on the left hand there…


speaking of watches…
This would make a nice gift.

Awesome watch.

For fuck’s sake why are unarmed members trying to engage me in battles of wit lately?

I am well fucking aware of how cruel the industrialized food system is there homeboy. That’s what happens when you read books. You learn shit. I do what I can, but I also realize that I’m not going to change the world by my diet.

I don’t know what you’re getting at though. As always your argument, whatever it is you’re arguing, is all disjointed. Are you saying that I shouldn’t feel bad about eating a food that was created by force feeding an animal through a steel tube like this:

I think you might be arguing that thinking that an animal died because I ate it is incorrect? Well, umm, that’s about as logical as arguing that used cars are more reliable than new cars.