that'll buff out.......'08/crash%20GTR-4.jpg'08/crash%20GTR-3.jpg'08/crash%20GTR-2.jpg'08/crash%20GTR.jpg
:bigclap:saw these while browsing that has to suck balls

haha. I got to start paying more attention because I didn’t see this posted over there.

That really sucks though.

Why do people who suck so much get these cars?

The driver of that car should have left the dealer with a Versa instead of a GTR.

damn that sucks

Ouchh that sucks. It still looks fixable tho, not cheap but fixable, unless the frame is bent.

That sucks but doesn’t look that bad.

plenty fixable, mostly just sheet metal damage im sure

the frame might be tweeked a slight bit, but nothing that cant EASILY be pulled back into place. ive seen plenty of cars WAY worse then this need like $300 worth of frame bench time, which is about bottom dollar for an above the table job on a PROPER frame bench (pinch weld / frame clamps, good measuring system, trained operator)

Expect to see this a lot. Srsly.

Umm its a Nissan who cares? LoL

Its fixable…

OMG dude that totally sucks!

that sucks

Bummer. Doesn’t look horrible atleast.

that car is so hot

Whats not to say someone else hit them?

for once, i might agree with you. the back end of the car is damaged. i didn’t see where these pics came from, but damage from behind generally indicates that it isn’t the fault of the damaged vehicle’s operator. anyone have information to the contrary on this incident?

def looks like someone hit him and not an error by the driver, people are so quick to hate on the driver.

unless its nick hogan, it might not be the drivers fault

I saw one the exact same color last friday night on the skyway. UGH!

That was going to be my question. Sure he could have thrown the ass end in to a pole or something but I don’t see any one posting a story stating such?

Sure sucks though.

HAHA IM AN IDIOT, i was thinking wow that shit happened right in the Nissan parking lot that really sucks? Then realized thats where it was towed too :rofl:

well unless he backed into someone i think its safe to say someone hit HIM :stuck_out_tongue: