The 2008 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 (It's coming back!!!)

When I heard that GM was going to stop producing the Camaro and the Trans Am I was shocked, I have always been a Camaro and Trans Am fan and I grew up a being a fan of GM Muscle cars.
When I heard the news to me it was like a victory for Ford, I had fealt like Ford has won the battle and the Mustang out lived the Camaro and the Trans am, yes GM still had the Corvette but I don’t feel that the mustang is in the same category as the Corvette, the Vette has always been out and above the mustangs league.
On the other hand I thought maybe GM stoped producing them so when they bring them back it will be like a big thing, but Ford had a huge success with the new mustang without having to discontinue the mustang from production at all. For a little while I thought it was all over for the Camaro and the Trans Am…Untill I saw this!
I smell a comeback. I think GM had about enough of Ford running the show for the past few years, it’s about time GM reminded Ford who’s the boss of American Muscle. … Now if they can only bring back the Buick Grand National I would be a very happy man.

i like next years charger the best, if you get the toronto star they are all in the buisness section.

Do you mean the Challenger? That is friggen sweet! You can see the similarities in the lines of the Challenger and the Camaro

The challenger is so weak and gay, have you looked at it. All it looks like they did was roll a vintage challenger in, change the taillights and headlights and say its new. There was no creative new thought put into that car.

There’s a video out there somewhere showing some GM designers
creating the Z28 prototype (outta clay). And in the background you see
two '05+ Mustangs. :rofl:

Quite an imaginative bunch they have there at the Chevy division. :hsugh:

it’s common. Of course they have to do some research on the competition.

donno why gm is bringing back a shitbox, they stoped selling it because it was a overpriced shitbox

And you think the Camaro is nice? That thing is pretty ugly. GM is going down the tubes if you ask me.

If it weren’t for Brand loyalty (ie: old people and country bumpkins not accepting change even when for the better), they would not be the company they are.

Up to this day GM still remains the largest car manufacturer in the world and has put more cars on the road then any other car company in the world. Every time GM has had financial problems or declining sales they have always figured out a way to get out of it. Last year was a very rough year for GM but they are finally back on the right track to recovery again. The only problem GM has is that they refuse to down size, everytime Ford and Chrysler had the problems GM had they down sized by closing plants and laying off workers, GM always refused to go that route they always tryed to bounce back with new redesigned products. Last year GM finally realized that new redesigned products are not always the right answer to their problems especialy in todays competitive market. For the first time GM announced major downsizing, by closing down plants and laying off workers, as well as contracting more work overseas for cheaper labour and cheaper material costs.
GM is also investing more money into research and development then any other car manufacturer. GM is reconstructing the companies future and has big plans for the next 10 years. So I don’t see GM going anywhere anytime soon, they got lot’s of money and way too much pride plus they have the support of the US government so their future for the most part is prety secure.

I can’t believe I wasted so much time writing about GM :lol: …I guess that’s what happens when you are in the automotive business, I get all these articles, write ups, etc. on companies almost every day so it’s kind of hard to avoid whats happening in the automotive industry.

Ya sorry Theo but I also think your opinion is wrong and not just because my father works for the company. Lets not forget its a concept car which means its just there to get a reaction. Car companies rarley put true concept cars into production. The REAL reason they stopped producing this car and the Trans Am was due to 1. The sport car market in the mid to late 90’s was not what is used to be and 2. These cars were produced in Quebec where the auto workers made producing the car unprofitable. I dont see GM going anywhere they last year had the best selling brand in north america (Chevy) their new products are things I would consider buying ( I am esp interested in the Solstice or Sky roadsters). If you like the Challenger great but it is not very diffrent looking then the origional and not in a good way. Brand loyalty is not a bad thing either people become that way because they are happy with what they have had in the past lol. We better all hope that companies like GM and Ford dont go anywhere or else the North American economy is in real trouble. A great way to look at it is this GM employs 325,000 people, for every one GM employee there are 7 jobs that are created because of that one in GM. So if GM were to shut its doors that would be 2,275,000 jobs that would no longer be needed.
Not to make this into a whos going where thread but these concept muscle cars are just an idea, they are trying to see what people like about them and dont like. I would not be surprised if they look very diffrent in the end.

another fooogly car
and GM is having money issues. No wonder with the POS cars they keep bringing out.

Kudos to Crysler for being the only domestic company bringing any decent cars out.


ok so we all agreed that GM isn’t going anywhere… well, MOST of the company isn’t going anywhere heh…

but that still doesn’t change the fact that the Camaro concept looks like ass!


All thanks to Mercedes Benz for adding their 2 cents into quality and design and pulling Chrysler out of the grave that Chrysler dug for them selfs with all the junk they put on the market during previous years.

Yes Chrysler came out with some nice looking cars, but as for quality? I guess we will know in a few years how good these cars realy are. Don’t forget Chrysler has the best reputation for disposable cars, they are always great in the first 3 sometimes 4 years, it’s what happends after that, that counts.

I used to like chevy but they are behind in the styling times.

Everything Dodge takes off huge, same with Ford to a lesser degree. They bring out a new idea and it sells like nuts!

Look at the PT Cruizer, then gm tries to copy it with the hhr? What a piece of shit, that thing is sooo ugly, just like the aztek, the only people that have them are gm corporate people.

how many ssr’s do you see on the road? Vs the Lightning. another flop.

I could go on and on. I used to be into gm stuff too. I still like the old stuff like the '68 Firebird Ragtop I used to have (coarse the 325hp made it pretty fun too).



gm is bunk.

  1. /quote ↩︎