The American Way v.$54M lawsuit against BestBuy

This is right up there with the multi-million dollar pants suit.


Raelyn Campbell, 37, acknowledges that the money she wants is more than the price of the notebook and the inconvenience she has suffered. But she said the lawsuit, along with a blog she started to chronicle her legal battle with Best Buy, is necessary to make a point.

The only compensation Campbell has received from Best Buy is $1,110.35 that was transferred into her credit card account in late October without her consent, the plaintiff said.

I hate it when people give me money without my consent.

Fry you have my consent to give me some of your money.

its not completly nuts…

best buy LIED to her about it being lost/stolen… there is personal data on there, that could TOTOALLY f her life up…

Cool. As long as it’s consentual. :tup:

I know when your wrongfully jailed, they can give you a reasonable amount of what you wouldv’e made and when you get hurt on the job they pay a certain amount so you can live but 54 million for a notebook. Theres no pain and suffering, no injury, they paid her for the notebook. At most she lost some music, maybe so semi-important documents but nothing worth 54 million…

no doubt. everyone saves their passwords in their web browsers. she could have been hosed.

now i am sure 5 or 6 of you are going to say “i never save anything on my computer… i never even turn it on. i’m not even really responding to this thread.”

to you i say

eat a bag of dicks

54 million huh? I’d love to know how she arrived at that number. Not 50, not 60, not even 55.

obviously she isnt going to get 54 million.

im sure she put a lot of thought into the number… no, not really. pick a big number, and let them talk you down. its easier than saying 10 dollars. uh no, wait. i meant 54 million.

54 million dollars is fucking chump change, if you wanna roll like a baller 1 billion dollars is in order

So that justifies $53,998,800 in punitive damages?


bag of dicks eh?

i like that.

Eh, I hate frivolous lawsuits, but at the same time I hate corporations that reap profits in the billions by swindling people. Best Buy is somewhat notorious for shady business practices. A family friend was told by BB that their PC was “completely full of viruses” and needed to be thrown out. Talking with a few BB employees revealed that it’s a common tactic to prey on the unwitting to up sales.

nope just her lawyers hoping for a nice 6 figure settlement.


I just hope that BB fights this to discourage people from making these ridiculous lawsuits

Of course. As long as the company you’re suing has lots of money anyway. Haven’t you learned that big corporations are bad and their wealth should be distributed to the people? Well, er, in this case one person but still it’s better than a big greedy corporation having it.

"Campbell said she offered to drop the suit, if the company paid her for her expenses and time and addressed “the shortcomings in its property and privacy protection practices.” Best Buy hasn’t responded, according to Campbell, and the next court hearing is set for Feb. 22.

The only compensation Campbell has received from Best Buy is $1,110.35 that was transferred into her credit card account in late October without her consent, the plaintiff said."

I feel bad that her laptop was gone for so long months and that she got the run around.

I don’t feel bad if she lost important documents, or if someone stole information off of the computer because it is her responsibility to protect that stuff.

But, it does seems like ultimately all she is trying to get out of this is what she is due. Pay her for the expenses she incurred and the lawsuit is dropped. That doesn’t EXCUSE the lawsuit, but it seems like she is just trying to get reimbursed for her time and energy.

she could have been an author or a song writer. Who is to say she wasnt writing a song that would have sold 10000000000 copys.
I Hope She Win’s.

She’s not responsible to protect her information?

The ONLY passwords that I save (in forms in FFox) are for internet forums and the like. Not banking, employment, or investment sites.

Any Excel file that my wife or I use for bills & budgets are password protected through excel.


Admittedly, my gmail login is saved as well. :ohnoes:

If she wins anything the lesson learned will be that we all will pay higher prices at BB for a long time to come. We’ll have learned a very important lesson for sure.

Hey Nikuk, send me that excel file… Lets see how safe it is :wink: