The Bay and Toshiba made my day...

So my gf gets this thing from her friend, The Bay is having a special vendors day event and she wants to go there for a free massage and the discounts. Whatever, I’m waiting in line with her to keep her company, and one bay employee hands me a little coupon for a free giftbag. Whatever, I keep waiting. I get to the end of the line and the girl there asks me for my invite when I gave her the coupon, I say I must’ve lost it while waiting. Suprisingly enough, she gives me a new one, tells me to fill it out yadda yadda and gives me a whole shitload of coupons for free shit. Skip forward 20 min, I got a free massage (oh… it was a good massage too… my back hurt like hell all week before, now it’s in heaven), some hot chocolate, free cocktails (WITH booze! not the cheapo kiddy shit) and fancy hors deovres (not even gonna try spelling it…), live music, and chilling on the bay’s furniture while being served by caterers.
Oh! And free Calvin Klein socks! :smiley:
I should pretend to be something I’m not more often :wink:

That and Toshiba called this morning to tell me my laptop is repaired, they took a whole ONE day to fix it. Brought it in monday, they ordered a new screen for it, wham bam, it’s done. If only more companies dealt with warranty repairs this way… stupid sony… MD player broke on the first month I had it, gave me so much shit when I tried to get it repaired. (still broken today… good 3 years after I bought it… bastards)
But yea, The Bay and Toshiba are cool :thumright:

sony is hell when it comes to getting md players fixed, i’ve had mine sent in twice for stupid shit that shouldnt happen, and they gave me shit both times. good work on the free stuff, best i’ve had lately was raptors tickets from some guy infront of the ACC