The best place to come to for legal advice is the internet so...

Had an interesting conversation about this with several attorneys last night (including an ADA).

Widely regarded as bullshit, though it was agreed that you would still likely get arrested and have to fight it and deal with all the associated consequences. It was also suggested that if you do happen to do this again, be sure to be rolling film.

LOL. Omg I would love yo see you have this argument in hand cuffs.

So if I punch you in the face and someone calls the cops saying “He just punched that guy in the face” and they show up, you are arguing that the cop didn’t see me hit you so can not be arrested for assault? Or if a girl is raped by a guy and goes to the police but since no cop actually SAW it happen, they can’t arrest him?

My god I would love to see you get arrested and argue this one. People can submit legal statements that can be used for evidence as long as its a first party account and isn’t hear-say. The credibility can be determined by a judge and jury to make the ultimate decision but your point is wrong and you can be arrested based on a first party witness statement witnessing you do a crime, even if the witness is the victim.

There would still be some form of investigation/evidence. If I call and say you raped 6,000 people in Argentina just now I am sure you will not be arrested.

A complaint of a dude in the park slacklining and a rape accusation are hardly the same thing and I would expect that the police would handle those situations in different ways.

Yes. I would sure as hell hope so.

Police brutality.

Is bad, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk

There doesn’t have to be evidence. Many people have been put in jail over the years from nothing more than one person’s statement. It’s often the lack of evidence that makes this happen. But yes, it really depends on the crime. Performing without a permit is not a crime, it’s a violation. Rape is a very serious crime.

I’m going to slackline the shit out of every park I see this summer.

Just let me know where I can setup my folding chair and drink PBRs…

yeah because no one ever takes things seriously

dude, you’re not reading my post correctly, lets say I call the cops and say you punched me in the face… the cops show up, interview you, you deny everything, they look at me and i don’t have a scratch or mark on me at all… they have NO EVIDENCE that a crime was committed besides my “complaint”.

NOW: if i had a bloody nose… well that pretty much makes probably cause for an arrest… like I said, you cannot be arrested SOLELY by a civilian complaint, the arresting officer has to have some evidence of a crime committed before making an arrest.

Basically what you are saying, is, anyone can have anyone arrested just because they don’t like them… just by lying to the police and saying a crime was commited

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it appears as if my post has been misinterpreted, my point was, if you are NOT breaking a law, YOU CANNOT BE ARRESTED. (you can be detained for investigative purposed, but not arrested)

YOU CANNOT BE ARRESTED JUST SOLELY BASED ON A COMPLAINT, THE ARRESTING OFFICER NEEDS TO HAVE PROBABLE CAUSE YOU HAVE BROKEN THE LAW TO ARREST YOU. IN Newman’s case, if an officer shows up, because of a complaint of slacklining, and sees newman walking with his slackline that he had just taken down, that may be enough probable cause to make an arrest.

AND last: my first post was based on the assuming slacklining was NOT ILLEGAL in a public park

You can be arrested with no evidence. What you are saying makes sense, but it is not true. Example: A girl is raped, and doesn’t let the police know for a week. There is likely no physical evidence, but you can rest assured that the suspect would be arrested, interviewed, and possibly tried. That is just one of countless examples of being arrested without physical evidence. Second, you can be arrested without ever having handcuffs placed on your wrists. It’s all how you look at the definition of arrested.

I’m just laughing at this thread for obvious reasons.

You do know that you can be arrested without being charged right? If for example, a girl says she was raped by you but has no signs of physical abuse or harm, the cop can arrest you and bring you in to the station until they decide if there is enough evidence, statements, tests, etc. to see if there is enough to charge you formally.

In this case, slacklining isn’t illegal, his “performance” without a permit is what they seem to be going after. They see him walking out with the line and depending on what mood the cop is in, they can arrest him and have the neighbor that called identify him as the one doing it. The question is, do you really want to deal with the hassle? I personally would rather not deal with police.

I think people don’t realize that snowracer is a LEO. Border if I recall

A cop can arrest you for being UGLY, if he/she wants to… But, a wrongful arrest opens the possibility of a lawsuit.
In 99.9% of all cases, there needs to be probable cause in order for a LEO to make an arrest. The rape thing you mentioned is way out of the scope of this thread… Performing without a permit, is that even considered a crime? It sounds administrative, so it would be VERY VERY difficult for a LEO to make an arrest (lawfully) based just on a complaint.

Would be hilarious to see that court appearance and how happy the judge would be with the cop for wasting the time. That is unless the cop told newman to leave and he threw feces at him or something, then it would be police blotter material. Win win

I don’t think anyone is talking about the officer going to his house to make the arrest, they were talking about seeing him in the park, and threatening an arrest. The officers visual observation at that point is all that is needed for PC. Do you disagree? The border may be different than routine patrol, but this is fairly common I would say, not nearly that 0.01% you are mentioning.

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I’ve said this before with another topic, the judge would not care one bit. There are scheduled court dates that judges work, this would just be one of the 100+ topics that night. It would be a 1 minute conversation by the judge, a decision on guilt, and then if guilty, a fine of like $50 or whatever for violating the ordinance.

Fuck all this noise…when is the next show?