the best winter storage!

mmmm, fumes make my living room smell nice!

haha my gsxr was in my buddies apt lol before my mom knew about it, when i was young, and living at home, haaha

Someone I delivered news papers to did the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:

I knew a fellow that put ho’s Harley in the basement. A bike thing I guess? Looks good.

yo corps park it on 12 yo!

Someone embed this North Korean propaganda video titled FUCKING USA

North Korean twlevsion seems awesome.

might scratch my nice wood floor!

just like a friend of mines 99’ R6R

thats effin DOPE!

i thought this was common?

lol clever and doubles as an exotic decoration :wink:

not really. specially dirty bikes like mine was (oil evvvverywhere) my mom used to make me wash my cloth everytime i came home.

corps knows… my kleanairmode blew out on stuntbike once and she was a rolling oil pit lol oh man… corps why did you post it man… your making me wanna ride again…

ps: yo cann has a 03 636 booosted eh? smokes moded busas man!

thats fuckin crazy!!!

now i wanna see someone park their 240 in the livingroom!

ur killin me man, mines tucked away nicely in the garage and i dont go in there so i dont get any urges and now ur making me wanna go ride so bad!!!

my uncles got 3 harleys and one chopper sittin in his house over the winter all shined up, looks pretty sweet the first time you see it

I.can’t help but think of the episode where Homer gets a bike and takes it everywhere, even beside his bed at night revving it lol.