The Bull in the Basement...


I realize it is a bit of an outdated story…but still cool.

It made number 3 on jalopnik best stories of 2008.

Lastly, a pretty good interview with the owner, Ken Imhoff: EXCLUSIVE: "I Am The Guy With A Lamborghini In The Basement"


I am sure it was on here, let me check,

o, and btw, sry I didnt return your call joe, I am out of town right now.

Can’t imagine tackling a project of that scale. Especially where one of the steps is “excavate and remove foundation wall of house to get project out”.

Fact of the day.

Henry Ford had to knock a wall out to get the worlds first automobile out of his shop.

I searched…didn’t see it.

EDIT: found it…

awesome story

Pretty amazing, I do remember reading this but its great to see again

See, I forgot to think like a Flanders when searching: “I’m a big four eyed lame-o and I wear the same stupid sweater…”

Another fact for the day…a thread 3 years old that cronicles a hand made “Contach” in a basement has < 350 views while a bullying thread that has absolutely nothing about cars in it, although tragic, has > 1,500 views in 3 days. Fuck.

I remember seeing this the first time and just thinking of how everyone in the house must’ve been delirious from the paint fumes…

but the color came out looking amazing, and man what a motivation this guy had…

He primed everything in his basement. The paint was done professionally, at a shop, piece by piece, and then re-assembled.

We only pretend to be about cars.


I thought mecedes was making automobiles in the 1870s?

Other fact of day .
Henry Ford did not make the world’s first automobile.

---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------

On March 8, 1886, Daimler took a stagecoach and adapted it to hold his engine, thereby designing the world’s first four-wheeled automobile.

That’s odd considering the world’s first automobile was constructed in France by someone not named Ford.

Unless you want to go gas powered, then we would say Germany.

Model T?

See sig. :shrug:

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 PM ----------

Nowhere near the first car.

I read the OP.

It’s really cool, and I like the touch with the excavated basement removal. However, I don’t think there’s much to discuss here.

Thanks for sharing it though, great project and end result.