The California thread

California Governor’s Highway Plan Includes $65 Driver Fee

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Sep 4, 2015, 4:19 AM ET
By JULIET WILLIAMS Associated Press

More than two months after calling a special session to address California’s transportation funding backlog, Gov. Jerry Brown has begun circulating a list of administration proposals on how to pay for it, including a $65 annual fee for drivers and increases in the diesel and gas taxes tied to inflation.
A one-page “transportation package” released Thursday calls for $3.6 billion a year for repairs to California’s crumbling transportation infrastructure. The $65 charge would generate $2 billion a year, while $500 million would come from fees charged to polluters and $100 million from so-called “efficiencies” at Caltrans, which the independent state legislative analyst has said is overstaffed.
While transportation, business and transit advocacy groups responded enthusiastically to the proposal, the Democratic governor did not appear to have secured the votes needed for a two-thirds majority in each house of the state Legislature, even from Democrats. Still, advocates urged lawmakers to reach a compromise before the Legislature is set to leave Sacramento on Sept. 11.
“The conditions are getting so bad that if Californians don’t commit to prioritizing funding to fix them, we will be facing the failure of a large portion of our bridges, streets and roads,” said Chris McKenzie, executive director of the League of California Cities, in a statement. “It is well past time for the Legislature to act.”
A coalition of labor unions, local government groups and influential business groups, including the California Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable, had previously outlined a plan that called for $6 billion a year in spending for 10 years.
Brown spokesman Gareth Lacy said in an email that the administration offered its proposal Thursday after numerous meetings with Democrats and Republicans.
“It includes sensible reforms and sufficient revenue to improve our roads, bridges, public transit and trade corridors — all vital to boosting quality-of-life and economic competitiveness,” Lacy said.
The Democratic governor called a special session on transportation funding in June but until Thursday there was little indication of a concrete proposal backed by the administration for how to pay for an estimated $59 billion backlog in repairs.
Brown’s plan includes concessions sought by Republicans such as requiring regular updates on progress toward highway improvements, streamlined environmental reviews for infrastructure repairs and extending public-private partnerships for construction. But Republicans were quick to reject it.
Sen. Bob Huff, R-San Dimas, who proposed his own transportation financing package earlier this year by ending the diversion of taxes meant for road repairs, said Brown deserves credit “for finally getting seriously engaged in the discussion of how we fix our roads.”
“Voters know they already pay some of the highest transportation tax rates in the nation and they want this money to be used to fix our roads, not siphoned off to other areas of the state budget,” he said in a statement.
Lawmakers in both parties believe the state’s transportation tax structure is out of date. They also agree the state can’t keep relying on a gas tax that hasn’t been increased in 20 years and lets thousands of electric car drivers off the hook for maintaining the roads they drive on.
The current gas tax rises and falls each year based on state projections. Brown’s proposal would set it at a fixed rate based on a 5-year average then add index increases to the consumer price index. It also calls for an 11-cent-per-gallon increase on diesel fuel.
Some fellow Democrats remained skeptical. Sen. Jim Beall, D-San Jose, who introduced his own transportation funding package earlier this year, called Brown’s plan a discussion being floated, rather than a proposal, and said it is being reviewed “to determine its fiscal competence.”
“It would create additional revenue but not enough,” he said.
Brown’s outline also includes:
— $1.6 billion annually for state highway improvements;
— $1.15 billion annually for local streets and roads, including $100 million for environmentally friendly improvements such as bike lanes and sidewalks; and
— $400 million a year in grants to local governments for transit.
Associated Press writer Don Thompson contributed to this report.

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San Clemente?

No, just north of oceanside. I wouldn’t mind that $65 fee, might keep some people off the road.

Fml I need a motorcycle. I have this feeling my drz won’t be in California for a while.

Just saw this, I woulda been down. Damn. Euros thing looks sick for those who are, well, into Euros

Nice meeting you guys this weekend. Surf’s up!

Just got back from 1 1/2 weeks in NY for work/holiday.

Good to hear you are settling well. That border stop in the dead area north of Oceanside is the worst.

Hell yea man, thanks a lot! We had to go buy our own body boards on Sunday. Haha

Haven’t had to stop there yet, they’ve always been done by the time I roll through.

Finally got a bike, 09 sfv650 :

this heat is stupid. glad my A/C is working though.

this was at 9pm last night on my way down to SD

then i decided to be a fool and go for a run at 11pm. logged my fastest mile yet.

oh and yesterday i stumbled upon these…

Most impressive.

Yea it’s friggin hot. Been ok with 3 fans going at night somehow. it cools down just enough.

congrats on that time. I did a 6:30 mile 4 years ago, maybe I’ll get sub 7 sometime

i dont know how people function without A/C

I want to come out to Cali SO BAD for the Tour of California one year. I would love to ride out there-I ride stronger/better/faster in heat. I pulled Jr when it was in the 90’s and I felt GREAT doing it.

It rarely cracks 75 at the beach and it was 94 yesterday. Drove 8 miles inland, ironically to buy another A/C, and it shot up to 103. I think I sweated about 2 gallons at my tennis league last night.:fu:
Crazy how it’s not cooling off at all after sunset right now. In the winter it drops about 15 degrees in 10 minutes.

I just got back from riding a motorcycle cross-country…SO many people into bicycles out that way, like seriously, A TON! They are everywhere.

seriously. when i ran last night it was still like 88*

The heat sucks. Most homes close to the beach DONT have AC because it never really gets this hot on the coast. We have the window unit set up in the room and we’re basically camping out in there all evening, lol

I’m the same way, usually we get a good breeze at night though. Last week I was waking up almost too cold. The windows in the house are the horizontal sliding so AC units are kinda rare for that and I’m poor.

You could get one of those portables that just run a hose out the window…theyre expensive new but not bad on CL.
94 in La Jolla right now :fu:

yea we thought of that too, but it’s been mostly manageable so far.

This will pass in a week then you’ll be fine again. The experiences I had with those mobile ones that hook up the exhaust to a window where just terrible. IMO.

Having never once turned on the heater is nice!

yea, I turned the gas off to the furnace. It was pretty hot just sitting there with the pilot on.