The conspiracy against Toyota.

Even tards hit the brakes in panic situations.

brakes don’t work tho when a toyota “runs away”

It’s “legit”*

*was covered by media

I just saw that story on the internet and it seemed too stupid to be true.

any moron can shift into neutral and shut the car off

obv not hard enough ,they did the test it took a extra 50 foot or so to stop it at w.o.t than it did at normal conditions

Says who?

Car and driver tested it and it stops fine.

Toyota had indepent tests done where it stops fine under WOT

exactly ,the whole situation is just made out bigger than it needs to be because it was the biggest car manu ,that it happened to

not going to think to shift when your going down a road like central ave at 8pm on a weekend while at WOT… your going to try and dodge every car you can

Id like to think Id be smarter than that

two guys actually crashed and died. And yes, they called 911 instead of turning the car off, shifting into neutral, downshifting, etc.

the guy called 911 and had a 2 minute chat with them. :lol

You’re not getting it.

Shit like this doesn’t happen.

No idiot dials 911 saying I can’t stop without even trying to hit the brakes. Especially a cop. It was fishy then, it’s fishy now.

Stopping extra 50 feet is a lot different than crashing at 100mph.

ya do what ya need to do obv he was :retardclap

once again they are :retardclap if they can manage a 911 call and not now how to save themselves . honestly i blame the car world a s a hole for it ,they took most of the DRIVER status out of cars with all the safety bullshit they have nowadays ,think about it get a 16 yr old kid behind a newer s.t.i or evo let him push the balls out of it ,then after all that put him into a older scooby without all that electronic stability and diff control see what he does .100 bills he balls it up

I did this myself in an 09 Lexus affected by the recall - full throttle - neutral worked, brakes worked, and the start/stop button worked. I survived.

dude morons are every where , yes even the po-9 has dumbdumms in there


LOL! Don’t cut the power because you’ll loose power steering? So kinda like the cobalts since '05 that were finally just recalled for power steering issues.

Neutral can be hard to find? are you fucking kidding me?

You have to read the manual to figure out how to turn the car off? WTF!



He had a WRX and now has an older Subaru