The conspiracy against Toyota.

no he means shutting the car off while moving… at a stop it’s just a push, at a moving speed it’s a press and hold

the finding neutral is dumb yes

at WOT if you pump the brakes you will lose them… i’m sure most of those people tryed pumping the brakes in a panic

the cobalt issue is a problem that the NTHSA sat on and did not act on. if the conspiracy theory is correct then they would of kept sitting on it

if you stand on the brakes like your life dependid on it ,they will stop the car

BINGO…if this is such a conspiracy why wouldn’t GM cover this up longer?

Everyone acts differently when they panic, yes most people would step on the brake but some people that panic would prolly just try turning the car off…also saying you would step on the brakes is easy to say when not in the situation, not saying most people wouldn’t but sometimes people don’t think straight when there panicking when the cars throttle is stuck.

Are you serious?

When your car starts going too fast EVERY DRIVERS FIRST instinct is to hit the brakes to slow down. That is what you do day in and day out 100 times. If you’re moving and you want to stop, you hit the brakes.

Panic situation? What gets most people in trouble in the winter and causes them to spin out? Hitting the brakes.

It’s not dialing 911

Who the hell pumps the brakes? My great great grandparents used to tell me stories of that before ABS was invented.

Nobody, it’s un-natural and most people wouldn’t even think of it.

If you tap your brakes the first time and your car stars slowing down even for a brief second, there is no logic behind letting go of the brakes entirely and applying again. Not only that, I don’t see why pumping them would “disable” them.

“We don’t recommend shutting the car off”?
accelerating to 120mph is a better bet than crashing while slowing down?

idiot from 17 years ago. there was also another episode about this too…

Hitting the brake in winter and causing the car to spin out is what CAUSES a person to panic…terrible comparison.

holy fuck whos been passing around the stupid juice.

There is barely a problem (the real one is retarded drivers)
its blown out of proportion by the government and media
government owns competing car companies


Its not like we’re saying that bush shot a cruise missile into the pentagon.

Anyone that does know how the (several) way(s) to slow/stop a vehicle with a stuck accelerator pedal should not be allowed to drive, nothing to discuss.

Lock 1

lock 2


“The article also said that her ignition worked fine in a test after the crash. She says, in the article, that when she started to get scared, she started to suffer from an asthma attack, and in her confusion, its possible she turned the key the wrong way.”

PERSON ERROR not the car.

Yeah well they dont dial 911 while spinning do they?

lock’er up, got the votes

did anyone even watch the congressional hearings?

Shit don’t work when Admin makes the thread :shifty

And it was 2 lock 2’s, 3 is missing :tongue


looks like a 3 to me