The Cost of Gas

I guess this is why there’s not much of a hot rod scene in Bosnia.

i might just move to venezuala, 12 cents a gallon, now thats shit m father used to talk about “i can get a pack of smokes and a tank of gas for five bucks” as he always talks about. this was all int he 60’s and 70’s though. I think im living in the wrong generation.

you dont read the news much do you. :lol

Venezuela= bad idea


Wonder what sort of rules we have on tranporting as across country borders?

I can actually see it being economical and practical to outsource gas purchase.

obviously a joke, but if i could live danger free id think about it

update bump, this is from cali

I want an electric car more than ever now.

if I lived in cali I would just buy a small 250cc bike, then if possible take some sort of public transportation like a bus when it rains. Or just save my car for like g2g’s and shitty weather

I need to invest in a small corn field and make my own ethanol. I wont care how bad the mpgs are. I will be running off of moonshine

o and btw my boss at Hess mentioned that the companies that make the plastic numbers for stations are filling orders for 4’s and 5’s!!!

they should already have lots of 5s :stfu

i deliver pizzas. i fill up 3-4 times a week. my life sucks.

that doesn’t really mean much…shouldn’t they have plenty of 4’s just in case the price of diesel is 4.44 and regular is 3.44… pretty sure they should be prepared to have extra of every number for odd situations like that.