The Crib

What’s a yard?

nice place for one guy :tup:

nice man. and what the shit is up with bird ladies :picard: my buddy bought a house from an older broad last year and it was the same thing, bird houses, feeders, all sorts of bird shit all over the place :picard: lol. but he cleaned it up nice and now hes got himself a nice home for 100k.

anyways, very nice man :clap: i like these threads :smiley:

looks like you can add at least two more garage bays on the end :smiley:

You know, a yard. It’s that thing we sit in drinking all the beer we bought with all the money leftover from our sub $200k nice homes.

lol, the garage space would be equal to the house then

whenever you bring over some meat. :slight_smile:
i actually dont have a grill yet.

its in the lincoln ave/akron rd area

it has a basement the size of the house…its huuuge…and dry. the house cost me $83k and it came with all the appliances.


Real nice, looks great.

that’s what we call a man’s house :smiley: