The Current State of Shift518

He has computer background and professional ties to jobs that more or less give him access to all information thats kept ethically secure. See my idiotic post #142. He does/did the same things I do and mentioned. And knowing Dave, he is very smart, and very respecable so even in light of all this I am very, very confidant he would never breach those terms “in real life”.

You’re right, I will not make a thread about JVG, and for the following reasons:

  1. He wasn’t reading people’s PMs. Doing it for fun is not an excuse. Serial killers kill for fun, they’re still getting prosecuted. Speeding is fun too, but you’ll still get punished for doing so. The fact that you did it for someone simply because they didn’t think you could shows that you’ll violate your powers as an admin/mod just to show off.
  2. Vlad is the one that should be handling the “punishment” of mods/admins, not me. He’s the one that banned you, not me.

This thread exists because I was told to make it. Vlad would’ve made it himself, but you know as well as I do that he’s constantly posting from his phone and didn’t have access to a computer, so I told him I’d type it up for him, and that he’d correct any mistakes I made in what was said, which was done before this thread went public.

Kk just let the shit go , in this case u are deft making it worse man . Jesus Christ the analogies r old we allllll know u way overthink shit .

I guess I’ll format my reply into a FAQ so you can skip to what concerns you best. As if any of this shit should concern most of you.

How did you lose administration access, and why?

Me and vlad had disagreements of how the forum should be run. I felt like it should be less moderation (smaller government) and vlad felt it should be tighter moderation and more staff involvement in curving the activity on the site (communism lol). Vlad decided to cut me from the administration team despite being a part of the forum for years and being responsible for most of the technical duty involved with the forum.
This would of all been fine with me, the issue I had with this is that it was done without telling me. There was no notice of any form to tell me what had happened. I was just removed without even knowing. Me and Vlad and some other shifters went snowboarding after this happened, while I still had no idea. The guy acted like there was nothing going on and everything was cool. I got home and saw he removed me days before and was really curious on why he never told me.

Why did you bum hosting off shift, and why were you selling hosting, aka “a form of extortion”

I had a server that I was paying for, it was a dedicated server at a high cost that I was later able to bump down to a semi dedicated server for a much lower cost of what vlad pays now. When I started this server account my plans were to host dedicated game servers for online and charge per account and hopefully make my money back and some. This idea went out the window because I had too much going on. At the same time shift was having huge hosting problems so I decided to help out and host shift on my server since I was in a contract and had to pay it anyways. I had a lot of issues affording the payments at that time and shift went down a lot. I hosted the site up until around when Albany speed came into the picture as a sponsor. Thank god they did.
Somewhere in the time of me paying for shift I merged a server that hosted one of my big websites into the same account as shift. When Vlad cut me from this forum as an administrator without telling me, I felt like all that time I spent and money I spent for hosting was a bad choice. I told him at first I was going to move my website off as soon as possible. Then I realized the only thing I had left was to let him host this website for free to me (at 60 bucks per three months, drastically lower than 160 a month). Even tho he didn’t owe me anything whatsoever, I felt like he could host it for a while.
Vlad told me to move it a few times, I kept putting it off because I had nothing left… I was no longer a part of shift anymore, no longer respected etc. I was just like… fuck it… let him keep hosting it. Then it came time to move it when he canceled that second part of the account.

How did you regain your super admin account, and how?

Despite what Cossey might think, I had regained my power as super administrator about a week or two after I found out I was removed. I had done so for no other reason than the simple fact that I knew how too. That’s all.

What did I do with my super admin account?

Not a single damn thing for months and months and months. The two level admin section is quite boring, if it took me any more effort to where my head started to hurt in order to gain these account options, I would of never bothered. It was easy for me to do so , so that’s why I did it.
As I said before, Cossey and Vlad and others only knew / know what I wanted / want them to know, and nothing more. When it came time to move my site off the server I requested the new passwords for the server and control panels and various other things. Obviously I didn’t need these passwords if I was already able to get to where I had too. However, just like KKK said many times in his numerous posts in this thread, just because you have the power to do so, it doesn’t mean you should. I had the ability to force my way into the accounts and get my stuff off, and transfer out what I wanted too, but I didn’t. Reasons? Well If I did that would raise suspicion on how I was able to do so without the new “passwords” and also, like KKK said, it would be WRONG. I finally got the new passwords and was able to move my site right before nearly loosing the whole thing.


Apparently, this is a huge question and a big deal to many of you. This is a forum, on the internet. This isn’t your email account, chill out. How many pm’s exist on this forum? IN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS. I read less than 12. As for WHY I did that, I had someone with me from shift who I was talking to and bullshiting with about how I could do it and they wanted to see it done so I did it. KKK suggests a huge outstanding security risk in me letting someone sit next to me while performing such an outrageous task. Well I have to say KKK, if you ask them to recite any of steps taken they would probably get lost after “open internet browser”. Whoopty Dooooo.

Why are you fussing so much over JVG?

I’ll explain more into this later, this has more to do with WHY I did what I did.

Why can’t you just admit you were wrong?

I can admit to what I have done, but to admit to being wrong in what I have done is just different. I guess you can look at it like, why can’t Cossey just admit to unfair treatment towards me versus members like JVG and others who do not get banned on the same terms. How they cannot admit that is wrong to ban me for saying “faggot” and not directing it towards anyone. How they can’t admit wrong in overlooking the lines being crossed by other members, yet keeping a strict watch over my ass because they let personal issues twist their view on what is right and what is wrong.

You say you have the power to delete shift, so why don’t you prove it?

I had the power to do whatever, ban people I didn’t like… edit their accounts, reverse engineer their passwords and get into their email accounts… edit their accounts and fuck with their shit. I still , right now… have the ability to corrupt the database of shift and force a backup to be restored.
I haven’t done any of that, while I was officially admin, unofficially admin or even now when I only have one door of access to the site.
The reason is simple, its because I just don’t fuck with people’s shit like that. I have my own sites, I know what its like when someone elses hands hold your shit and its not fun. If I was anyone else. If JVG was me, and I was vlad… you can damn sure bet this entire site would be down to the ground by now due to personal issues.
I’ve seen countless circumstances and situations where admins and moderators have taken unfair actions against users because they had a personal argument.
I will never harm the forum for any reason, regardless of what arguments I might have with Vlad. Regardless of what Cossey might try to paint in his posts about me, if shift goes down… you DON’T know who to blame. That’s not my style and never will be.

WHY did you do all this?

Well first of all realize, “ALL THIS” isn’t really a whole lot. I did two things… Made my account a super admin, and for less than 10 minutes of time in the world… I searched my name in private messages.
So why did I do two of those things? I don’t know? Since it wasn’t a big deal it was never thought about to a level as deep as what I’m being forced to explain into.

Reason 1

I guess if Vlad would of just told me he wanted me off shift admin team then I would of never felt inclined to do some of this shit.

Reason 2

I felt outraged when vlad texted me one night before my website was scheduled to be taken down and deleted. Especially since he received an email notice a month ahead of time with the date of deletion specifically stated within. He chose to withhold this very seriously important email from me, until the last night before. This left me pretty pissed off, and his answer was “I was telling you for months’ Yes vlad, congratulations… you do have a valid excuse, that majority of members here will side with you on. You told me for months… but don’t send the email with a date, nope don’t do that. Keep it from me and watch me get fucked and almost loost my entire site with over 70k members on it. That’s like you loosing shift… and I wouldn’t ever wish that. I’m just glad I’m the guy who has access to the kind of shit I have, and not the other way around or my sites would have been down a long time ago.

Reason 3

The last reason was the injustice I consistently felt. The forum has strict and tight rules regarding personal attacks, as well as racial attacks. I was blatantly attacked personally with legit racism by JVG, a mod team member of the site. He has called me a “cheap arab sand rat” in his pm’s to cossey. Which was funny because it was him pming cossey to inform him that I was printing shift518 stickers to give out for free, and was probably bumming free vinyl off Darryl from Albany speed, because I was a “cheap arab sand rat”.
I have received the most ridiculous comments within the neg reps received by this JVG dude. Comments like “you smell like curry and sand ****** juice” and others that I can’t recall or lookup since my account is locked down. I had these comments screenshotted and posted in my sig for everyone to see. I felt injustice because while these disgusting, and serious non joking comments were displayed in my sig for everyone to see… I was getting banned for using the word “faggot” which was not directed at any individual on the website.
When you get this kind of bullshit, and have the intelligence I have… then sometimes fighting face to face doesn’t work you got to find your own ways to fuck their shit up.
I have never met a person in my life, who was actually legitimately racist against me, as I have with JVG. Shift has always had that rule, and I always thought it was ridiculous, and still do in some ways. Yet when it actually happened to me, from a member like that…. Without justice … that’s when I got pissed off.

Was anyone at risk, or harmed by what you did?

No one was harmed. No one’s privacy was at risk either. This is shift, you don’t put private shit into a private message lol, and if you did, I didn’t read it. I don’t care whatsoever.
The harm was 0%.

What is your definition of putting someone at risk, or at harm?

I don’t know how much harm can come from what I did, im going to assume 0% again. What do I think is harm? Or putting someone else at risk?

Well maybe building a roll cage for a racecar that was filled with bondo in the hard to reach spots instead of welding it together, then painting it so it looked like a real weld.

Boxersix would you agree?

THAT in my opinion is risk and harm to another person.

ill format that better in a little while i have to leave now but , reading it would be healthy for your brain

how the fuck is that any different than what I say?

Show me the same respect as you do Cossey.

But what the hell do I know, I am just and idiot right.

It isn’t in every fuckin post man , read what I wrote in mod

Lol at kk.

He’s making this thread fun for me to read.

I think I will quote myself here.

If that was done, the months of BS and vendicitive thoughts and actions by ALL PARTIES wouldnt have taken place. And this thread wouldnt exist.

Tell me I am wrong. go ahead.

ohh and I +repped Dave Singh

becasue honestly that was a great response.

fahguhts in this thread

Singh, your response is appreciated, seriously. I legitimately wanted to hear your side of the story.

Here’s my issues with it… You say it’s no big deal that you read people’s pms. That’s because YOU were the one doing it. They do not call them PRIVATE messages without a reason. And furthermore, you state to the whole forum what was said in those PRIVATE messages. I don’t know what your definition of private is, but to me and lots of other members it’s pretty self explanatory. At the end of the day, it’s a huge scumbag move. You said multiple times how you have this power to do whatever you want, yet you abused something so small as just PMs makes me wonder if you’d ever go steps higher to other stuff.

You say that my entire first post was done for personal angst against you. Yet EVERYTHING you did (as per your FAQ reply) was done for the same exact reasons. But again, because YOU did it, it’s no big deal.

Also, you helped us prove why people should be banned for their racial remarks. You said you were disgusted with how JVG acted, how racist he was towards you and that there was no justice done… How do you think any other minority would feel after seeing all of the stuff people on here say that go without punishment?

Okay, I guess i invaded your privacy then. How is life now that I have done so?

Cossey, understand that I didn’t start this thread, but since you guys decided to make a side of this story public I had no choice but to answer you. Otherwise I would never posted any of this.

If somebody I had no problems posted this thread I would be confused, but still forced to answer back.

I think the most important thing to learn here is that action is not taken evenly and applied fairly. You have still yet to comment on why JVG has been sheltered from any moderation action against what he said.

As well as why sbardy was able to get away with just a few hour ban , doing much worse than simple one use of the word which cost me a few weeks.

I like sbardy, dont get me wrong. I think these rules are ridiculous, but thats not my problem. My problem is that they arent applied to everyone in the same way.

no im pretty sure it would make all of you guys look a lot better if i never posted

Dave Singh is now the brown Mike Wood

Deleted posts are deleted

See Post #158 for my response concerning JVG. I also had no hand in Sbardy’s ban or ban-lift. It was a general consensus among moderators who chose what to do both with Sbardy’s ban AND this entire thread being made.

It doesn’t matter that life has not changed because you read people’s private messages. The fact is you did it. Either you get it or you don’t, and we can all see that you don’t.

As I said before, I legitimately wanted to know your side of the story and see your rebuttal to the arguments made against you. I had no hand in banning you at all. Your post didn’t make anyone look better/worse. It did, however, show the steps you’d go through due to a personal grievance with someone. Take that however you want, but to me it shows you’d stoop pretty low.



Can someone ban pitman… Guys posting weird ass videos again.

His videos are weirder than some of kk’s rants.


  1. State of the union “Snake in the grass”

  2. Singh read shift PM’s blah blah

  3. Singh we all hate you. Scumbag moves and such.

  4. Still no response from the fearless leader.

  5. Singhs response reads something like “two wrongs make a right”.

  6. JVG called me names and wasn’t banned.

  7. KKK +rep Singh

  8. Cossey +rep Singh

  9. Singh +rep himself because he has his dick mittens on the puppet strings.

  10. Alpine…that’s 5 drinks man, I’ll drink with you.

  11. Still no response from our fearless leader.

Oh yeah…step 4 was another weird unrelated KKK analogy, I spared you all the agony.

Searching through pms is like a bird with one eye, the blonde grill always queef first. - KK