The Current State of Shift518

If I had a nickel for everytime you said “pot meet kettle” id fund shift for the next decade!

Edit: edited useless comments.

I suppose Cossey is right.

I am. All OT posts were deleted, we’re trying to deal with something that’s actually somewhat important here.

What final outcome are you looking for?

Site has been “hacked”/compromised and taken advantage off. Person admitted to doing it and reading private messages.

Person was banned and account disabled.

Thread could have been locked from the start as there was no need for discussion on the matter, we were sure we were right enough to make the call.

You’re lucky we even let the person sign back up and tell his side of the story.

But yeah go ahead and yell foul play, as you lose sight of the point of the thread.

That was what I, personally, was looking for. I was unclear if “Dave Singh” was reinstated or not.


JVGs seemed downright malicious…

And to have this thread started in the first place, and have one of your moderators post it instead of you, seems pretty petty to me. Why the need to make this public? What purpose did that serve? No one needed to know…because pms were read is a bullshit excuse


You should be in politics or a priest :crackup

This whole thing is just uncomfortable. If I read my esteemed colleagues correctly, they’re taking issue with the racial comments in question. If the private remarks of a public figure hit the media, that public figure is judged accordingly. That’s not a great parallel, but if a mod here has been shown to say something that offends a reader, well, I can understand.

Once again, none of you people are real, you’re collections of zeroes and ones in cyberspace designed for amusement, but there was something really ugly and bothersome about the rep comments in Singhs sig. As for how to deal with that, if at all, that’s someone else’s call.

well, the one thing this thread has managed to do, is make me look at some ppl here alot differently. thats for damn sure.

I think there’s something we all can still agree on:

No one likes Vlad.

Not to beat the topic to death, but in my opinion if there wasn’t all this B.S. associated with the situation action should have been taken. The way your explaining the rules it’s ok for members to harass other members via rep and PM because it isn’t out there for everybody to see initially. Just my opinion, but if a member is the recipiant of an offensive message in the form of a rep or via PM he/she should have the right to make the offending comment fully public and request appropriate action be taken against the offending party.

just my .02 though

Get off my site.

I should be? You are the one that dodges the issues with generic verbal diarrhea like that…

I agree with that redwgn guy

Vlad slow down kid , he is a ballbuster and we all know it . Doubt he is being malicous just kidding man .

also not to be a prick, but its the goof crap that guys like red wagon, slow, murr:skid and other guys like them post up here that makes the forum fun and enjoyable and helps attract future members. I mean lets be honest this forum is a social club loosely based around cars and not really tech related at all. I mean how many people on here would you really listen to for advice on how to repair/mod a vehicle. I’m going to say less than 10% and thats being generous.

If he doesn’t like me or the site then he’s not needed.

Plenty of people like the site, like me and appreciate what we do here.

I don’t need him one bit, he doesnt help the business and he will be gone.

Gotta love capitalism.

:crackup no.

The sites cool, you can just be annoying as FUCK sometimes.

You need me, I help the business, I’ll never be gone.

Gotta love red wagons that don’t exist.

what business might that be? This site is great for dicking around, wasting time and busting balls with a slight amount of relevent posts and tech help but thats really all it is.

I know Ive said it a million times but this site is just like a group of us hanging around at a car show/meet/bar/parking lot/etc. Basically real life on this site.

Its not a serious site no matter what the original intentions might have been.