The Current State of Shift518

This is a winter thread

Good idea, ban the members people like…stellar business model.

Just because something is OT poeple are gonna get banned?! Seems ridickulous to me but w/e

Because at the end of the day this is a business that sponsors pay for.

Facebook is a place where people “hang out” and it’s also a business.

If this stops being entertaining to me due to some idiots thinking I’m “the problem” because they are too stupid to realize and give credit for having the site to begin with, I’ll shut down the site or get rid of them.

If people keep not following the rules that are the sites business model of being welcome to all, they will be gone.

If you’re too stupid to respect the site owner and follow the simple rules, you will be gone.

Everytime I’ve done this in the part, site worked better and I’ve had less headaches. You can bet I will stick to that principle.

Redwgn good luck trying to stay a member. :rofl

I think it hilarious when people bust Vlads balls he threatens to shut the site down. Yet never does it.

my .02

When I’m constantly deleting OT posts, and people on’t get the point and continue to post the same stuff I deleted, they should get the hint.

I’m seriously wondering what other sites that have the same size member base and activity that are as lenient as we are.

this forum can not be compared to any other. its a local drama forum which is what it the forum thrives and seem to survive from and should be taken a hole hell of a lot less serious by some members and esp by mods…also, the disciplines are wayyyy inconsistent

Shouldn’t be a problem, I don’t break the rules.

BTW, I don’t think you’re “the problem” or any of the other bullshit you wrote. I just think you’re annoying, as I stated before. Example: The condescending quote above.

Are you really gonna ban me because I think you’re annoying? If so, grow up. If not, stop with the stupid threats. I’m not doing any harm to the forum and you know it.

Arguing on the internet gets you far in life. Like that guy who invented the pet rock? Betcha he didn’t argue on forums all day long. I mean the guy made a MILLION dollars…

You best not be tryna rustle my jimmies…

Because inevitably I end up getting rid of the source of the problem, satisfying the second part of the statement and solving my headache.


…With so much drama in the L-B-C
It’s kinda hard bein Snoop D-O-double-G
But I, somehow, some way
Keep comin up with funky ass shit like every single day

Slightly off topic. Ban 1

Murrdog called me a n*gger in a PM. I want him banned.

If i was going to call you something it would be something that you are… a f*ggot

All this OT talk is really rustlin my jimmies


Kinda like Stalin?

I agree as Eaton stated above… this thread makes one think very differently about some people.

I will say that this site would not have functioned nearly at the level it was able to without Singh building and maintaining much of it…hundereds of hours without compensation to speak of, , supplying a more than adequate server at his cost of literally thousands of dollars out of his pocket ( I even have a couple hundred bucks into keeping it up when Singh was low on cash and Vlad was piss broke). I have not spoken with Singh about this thread yet, but know the above to be true either way.

The untold stories of unfair acts and cowardliness toward Singh may someday come out, maybe not.

I am not excusing any of his actions of comments, though in some cases I surely could… I am merely pointing out something not otherwise mentioned much in this thread. Perhaps if A true “terrorist” would have burned the house down rather than investigating who was truly against him (even if poor judgement). Some of you think thats the 1st time anyone read your “Private” messages?.. at least he just searched his own name and left the rest untouched.

With all that said, this is Vlad house and peeing on the carpet sometimes gets missed and other times will get you a boot in the ass, and thats absolutely his right. Its a nice house, and I may have just piddled lil. woof

…and I’ve mentioned this in the past as well, that Singh saved the site numerious times and I’ve thanked him for it.

However that’s besides the point that we’ve gone our separate ways and there was no reason for anybody to undermine my authority or the sanctions of things that are supposed to say private, such as the mod section and PM’s. Frankly I’m not even mad, I just want want to be separated and that seems to be hard to do.

Are you going to be fine with me being in your house without you knowing about it if I don’t touch or steal anything, but just “look around” while you’re not home?

Didn’t think so.

Otherwise I’ll PM you the address to send the spare key to.

Edit: and no, not kinda like Stalin, kind of like a business owner kicking out the rifraff from his property. Kind of like a right wing capitalist.

I luv Capitalism.

Point being that he was pissed for good reason…and chose his steps, then admitted and explained it. And you have done the same. Thats it.

Keep on keepin on