The Current State of Shift518

Well then I retract my previous statement.

It probably has something to do with hacking his site, reading private messages that aren’t his, hosting other sites on his server, and calling him a faggot.

So then id think they would have ALOT to talk about lol

Good thing they have cell phones.

This isn’t my decision, by the way. It’s Vlad’s.

That shits crazy…

Knowing you guys read pms and shit. Glad i don’t pm much.

Jvg is still a faggot though. He’s been long before he called Singh a sand ****** and all that other racist shit.

Sorry, but I have never once been called a fagget over a text. And if I was I would delete the contact. My mother wouldnt call me a faggot, so why sould I allow my friends to???

Words are words, but the way they come across sometimes might get someone socked in the jaw.

but thats just me. I believe respect is earned, not assumed.

Now where am I gonna buy stolen Iphonez yo?


I wouldn’t return calls/messages to the guy either.

People get all up in arms about this “need to defend yourself” bullshit on the internet. It’s a forum, he legitimately fucked up big time and can now deal with it however the fuck Singh deals with shit in his life. If Singh’s going to get all pissy about it, well then Singh needs to find a hobby.

Good thing vlad has a cell he doesnt answer. And its awesome you did made this thread seeing as your speeking for vlad. Just makes this situation even more redic. No one really cares dave was admin atall. u guys are babies over this.

Lol we all need to get a life, posting on a forum over bullshit

Funny how everyone talks about stolen Iphones after he can’t post. Dave is still a good dude in my book. He fucked up, but he’s not stealing people’s account numbers.

Everyone? It was only me and I was J/K because I give 0 fucks what people sell on here.

If what cossey posted is in deed what singh did then he has no right to be a part of the forum anymore. What is his justification going to be? I acted like a flaming ass and now I’m mad people are saying nasty things about me privately and I want to know who?

Just my .02 ,but that kind of behaviour is the definition of being a scumbag.

If you dont know the full story about that dont post it.

“Cossey’s” opening post was discussed amongst people that matter in the decissions here, and was complied in said way well befor the thread you are reading hit the air waves… he just happen to be the one to click “Submit New Thread” last night.

People legit talked and talk shit about him in threads and to him in his reps. Not one single person who has done this was ever banned. Ge had the powers at hand to do what he could, as do all the other admins, which they wont confess to doing cause they are perfect human beings and dont speek badley about anyone…that is untill they are banned. Cossey an vlad didnt even find this out on their own, dave openly said he did those things on facebook to another member. He was in no way trying to hide his actions. Now, cossey is worryin about vlads issues and taking it public when no one else was harmed
On the site. If they were good admins, this thread woulda never been made. They are just trying to twist the way you all feel about him/make ou think
Things that are not true. All because they have a personal issue with dave, they want everyone else too.

My pic was for lol purposes only

Check it, legit if none of the “shady” shit ever happened in the first place… would we even be in a thread like this to begin with???

Shady shit: Stretching rules finding grey areas to try and see if they are banned. If people didnt toss the Faggot, Nir, Sand-N, Commie, constant bullshit around to press everyones buttons NO ONE WOULD BE TAKING SIDES AND TRYING TO HURL GRENADES AT EACHOTHER!

NOOOOO SHIT HUH??? Hard fucking concept isnt it!!! If people acted more like respectfull adults this place wouldnt need a fucking ban button.

so was mine, but I didnt get it I guess. lol