The Current State of Shift518

Ummm i do kno the full story their pal, looks like you dont know your own keft nut from tour right, its ok, your bad.

-lets keep this between the people it is between and not a dick measuering contest between you and me about who knows it all. Thats what sucks is this thread is people sticking up for people, but a certain person not being able
To responde. Like i posted before, its just a dave hating thread that cossey, vlad and apparently others thrive on

:lol glad you got my text. hahah

Fine. This will be my last post, as should be yours. :hug

We all have to choose side and battle to the death now guys

Since you’re speaking for Singh, or Singh is using your name, quite hypocritical to talk about how I’m speaking for Vlad, eh?

Singh could’ve banned any of those people talking shit about him at any time, because after all he DID have the power to do so up until about 3-4 days ago.

And we did find out on our own, as I discovered he had admin powers still at least a month or two ago, and Vlad and I could not figure out how to fix it.

Singh is a coward. If he had to snoop around, abuse his powers and read PRIVATE messages to figure out people were talking shit about him (paranoid much?), then he has other issues. He wants to be this huge rap star but can’t handle people talking shit about him privately? Give me a break.

I may have personal issues with Singh, but I’m not going to abuse my power to “get even” or anything like that. I didn’t even choose to ban him after we figured out what he was doing.

You say no one cares about mod/admin stuff, then why was Singh so desperate to be one that he fucked with VLAD’S property in order to do so? Riddle me that.

I spoke negatively TO Singh in PMs, and on here when he wasn’t banned, so your point there is kinda useless.

It’s not Vlad’s issues with Singh that are the cause for this thread, it is Singh’s issues with responsibility, “power”, and with the site that got this thread made, which ALL moderators on this site agreed that should be posted.

Honestly, you think Singh should be allowed back to “justify” his actions, but you’ve been speaking for him this entire time and not one justification has been made. I don’t know of one other forum that would’ve allowed any of Singh’s actions to happen and let him continue to be a member.

Just for the sake of rational argument when was the server taken out of Singh’s control, because technically while he hosted it even though Vlad would be considered a client the forum would be considered Singhs property wouldn’t it? Simply because it was on his server and that would give him the right to do whatever he wanted with it… Now that wouldn’t exactly make him a good business man or whatever for fucking with it but I’m just saying technichally it doesn’t exactly make him a scum bag for wondering what kind of shit people are talking about him on his own turf.

I believe the server move was in mid-early July. Although the forum was on Singh’s server, it was still on a server Vlad paid Singh for, and that Singh “sub-leased” out to other people.

To put it in perspective, it’s similar to a bank taking money out of your account for their other use and your account balance shrinks. It’s a form of extortion.

Nope im doing all the typing here, the shift police can fingerprint my phone if youd like. You say hypocriticle, really!?! Im speeking for singh since CANT! he has no chance to speek for him self. Vlad can speek for him self without you but yet he has not. He is not banned, is he? Hahahaa hypocriticle cossey, c’mon…

I’m simply defending a friend when he is not able to do so. He’s either working or he’s sleeping. Like I said before, the post was made in the admin section first and everyone had a say in if it got posted or not, and I was just a messenger.

But, as I said, if you’re speaking for him and you’re saying he should be able to justify his wrong doings, why don’t you just justify them for him?

This is a big clusterfuck.

I love cossey and Singh.

Jvg is still a faggot though.

You’re talking about bandwidth usage with the extortion? right

I can see your point that really gets deep into whatever contract there was cause the way I would see it if he sold the entire server space to someone and said that entire server space was their and never would be used other wise then he is wrong but if he never stated that and he used the server for other things and it never affected shifts performance than he is just a smart business man.

Remember when nick Alero was a mod?

Being a smart business man is not selling stuff other people paid for. If he gave Vlad some of the money, or all of it for that matter, then that’d be very different, and respectable.

Dave just wants to say one thing right now. He said he never was selling or reselling web space on that server ot was only his personal stuff on there. He wasnt taking money for that server at anytime. As far as justification goes, he will take that into his own hands later. That is not a threat so dont twist it, he will speek for himself when he has a minute

I’m not taking it as a threat (as I really don’t see Singh as the fighting type), and he should talk to Vlad about it as it is his site.
I am just relaying information given to me like you are.

Isn’t that how banks operate. They use my money to fund other adventures and infact certain banks due indeed take my money use it other places and give me back less at the end of the month than i put in if you are not smart enough to catch what they are doing. IE monthly access fees, fees for not enough debit card transactions, fee for having a balance under $1000. Its the same thing really

It’s really not the same thing though. Banks do take your money and use it for other things, but your account balance doesn’t change (unless there’s penalties tied to account).

If what Singh said is true, that he only used it for his personal stuff, then that’s not as big of a deal to me, as I was under the impression he was using it for other sites so I may be wrong.

Idk how u can assume me making it clear that its not a threat to equaling a fight, but ok. Again, he has text vlad but still no answer, but yet you think daves a coward…Think what you want. Anyone with questions please call this hotline: DavesDeals@ 478-4030

Well when someone mentions threat to me, I automatically assume physical violence. Not responding to Singh doesn’t make him a coward. How quick to you respond to someone who you’re fed up with and says “I could still shut the forum down if I wanted to.”

And Richie, I hope you understand nothing I’m saying is against you.

He answers my texts all the time… Of course I have not called him a “faggot” before but that’s just me not being a bigot.

I also work nights and sleep days.

I woke up to 20 minutes ago to 30 some text messages. Texted him back that it’s hard to reply when one’s asleep. Even though there still isn’t much to talk about.

He still claims he has the power to delete/destroy the site but doesn’t do so and I’m sure the members here thank him for not sabotaging it entirely.

As far as his word goes, he has a second account that he’s well aware off called “little singh” that he can use. The other account was too compromised and modified through the database to let it be. We couldn’t change it and it didn’t follow the permission groups that it was set to. Therefore it was disabled.

Edit X2: As far as I know, no other customers accounts have been hosted from that server.