the daily is almost bettar.

lol, i know i talked to you but i dont know who any of those ppl r lol

anyways…the car looks sick man!

yea man, good friends with him

Holy shit thats you/your car i see you all the fucking time around lisha kill rd on central.

Whats with this board and dental hygene


Big guy in a lil car.

E, I saw Paino the other day, he name dropped you.

where? im telling u man, u need to meet us out one night.

Emanuel, you should give Scott a call about the headlights. Ted had the same issue with them turning yellowish like that and he recommended this cleaner for them and they came out looking brand new again.

i have new ones ready to go in. i just havnt put them in yet

ahh could have saved yourself some money. Ted paid like $15.00 for the stuff and it came out awesome.

cool car dude :lol

I will. Saw him at the Best Buy. Good guy right there.

Nice teeth = very important.

Teeth and eyes, first things I notice about a guy.

You can also wetsand the headlights, I did it on my Jetta and they came out good.


I picked up a set from JVG and did the same thing when I color matched the insides - looked just like new.

refused braces when i was lil and im blind :facepalm

Blind? WTF? :lol

nothing compares to new headlights, ive used those cleaners before they make the headlights look NEW! Then 2 weeks later they look like shit again

yeah like wetsanding with brake fluid…

brake fluid works wonders on plastics.