I let the insurance lapse on my summer car and never turned in the plates. Now I’ve got a letter from the DMV threatening license suspension and registration.
I’m going to turn the plates in, but I’m in Rochester and the car is in Buffalo. Is this something I need to do today, like right now. Or can this wait until monday?
similar question… kinda. my custom plates on my fd are about to expire, but obviously i’m not driving it in winter. can i just wait to renew them until spring? or is there some kinda lame penalty involved with that too? lol
FightinMike: There’s a date on the slip from the DMV that says you have until a certain date to turn in the plates, or pay 8 dollars a day from the date the lapse occured to avoid the suspension. It’s usually a 30 day grace period. You should be fine if you just recieved the notice. Also, you can’t register the vehicle until you either pay the fine , or wait out the lapse, which is however long the lapse was.
Adictd2boost: You have to renew the plates and pay the registration for them if you wanna keep the plates. You then have to turn them in and pay the $1 fee it costs to store them. Once you store them, you will get a refund for the amount of the registration since the vehicle is technically off the road.
My JUICEDLX plates expired last November(1 year). I have kept the insurance up and yet to receive a letter. The key is the insurance. I’ll be transferring them this week to another car. We’ll see what they have to say. I drove the car last November - May without realizing they had expired. lol
Its not really the dmv its the legislation the insurance companies lobbied for. Its the insurance comanies that start the shit fit when you dont pay up. like the mafia they are. They just cant break your thumbs, like in the good old days, they call out there dmv peeps to suspend stuff. Just make sure you get it cleared up with the insurance company, Even if you change an insurance company. you have to physically contact the old insurance company of your new carrier.
I know of a girl who changed companies Had insurance & registration, but the old ins company sent in the uninsured letter to the dmv. she got pulled over, and the car came up uninsured & her license suspended. her car got impounded & towed & the cop left her standing on the side of the road at 3am.