Anyone know where the Town of hamburg impound lot is?
lol. details.
plan it well and spend 2 weeks scoping
plan it well and spend 2 weeks scoping
well, I went through a checkpoing at noon on Saturday, with my dad in the car about 70 yards away from the ritz (southpark and southwestern).
I get pulled over, my car is stock, no tints, just wheels and a 1 inch drop, so I’m like wtf?
My inspection is good, I have valid insurance, and reg all checks out.
My mom made a late insurance payment in November of 06 and there was a lapse for like 5 or 6 days. Well she thought it was taken care…:bloated:, well there is some fine at the DMV that was not paid, she swears she never received a notice or anything.
I was very nice to the cop the whole time, knowing that my car was going to get impounded, so hopefully its still in one piece. Its just a very big inconvenience to me to have to get this all taken care of.
boo good lucks
Its my moms fault
Yes, its one of those things that my parents paid when I was in college, that I haven’t gotten around to paying yet.
UGH, I just called the town of hamburg and they said I have to get new plates in order to get my car back
insurance can lapse, you can either pay a fine on the days that it was not covered or you are just not allowed to register another vehical in your name for the time period that the plates were handed in for those 5 or 6 days
It’s not bad. Lapse is $8 a day or something. Get it paid, and they’ll give you plates.
I hate anything that has to do with the DMV. They blow…so hard.
Wow, its funny that I read this. My friend was given his brothers car to have and the same thing happened. He was driving through a check point and they stopped him. Found out his brothers policy was expireed for a month while he switched companies and the car got impounded and he for a huge fine. Something like $400 bucks.
Good luck man.
hmm im starting to wonder if this could happen to me. last year when i took my car off the road my insurance ended up getting canceled due to non payment, but i cant remember if i turned the plates in before or after it was canceled. it was then stored for the winter and i just brought it out recently, went to the dmv and got new plates, would they have told me i had a lapse? would i have one??
hmm im starting to wonder if this could happen to me. last year when i took my car off the road my insurance ended up getting canceled due to non payment, but i cant remember if i turned the plates in before or after it was canceled. it was then stored for the winter and i just brought it out recently, went to the dmv and got new plates, would they have told me i had a lapse? would i have one??
yes they would have, they would have made you pay the fine for the lapse, or would have made you wait the number of days to register it where there was a lapse
If you are really worried, just call the DMVs 1800 number and ask them if there is anything showing up on your record.
If you are really worried, just call the DMVs 1800 number and ask them if there is anything showing up on your record.
good luck actually talking to a real person