Quick follow-up to my impounded Subaru...

So in venture to the drift meet about a week and a half ago I got pulled over, and the Impreza was impounded due to a suspended registration because of an insurance lapse between switching plates when I bought it.

So I got ticketed for the lapse, impounded, and ticketed for 52 in a 40 (this was on route 5 heading North where I thought it was a 55 and didnt see any signs so was under-speeding intentionally trying to find the right turn).

The DMV never notified me about it and could not produce documents that they had, so I felt I had a strong case to fight at least that ticket.

SOOO to make a long story short, I got the car the next day, paid the insane DMV fines. Got new plates. RIP BIGMCELL plates :frowning: and then got the car out of impound, went to Michigan and got heavily intoxicated.

Yesterday was my court date and I give a HUGE thumbs up to the Hamburg ADA (assistant district attorney for those who don’t know).

She calls me in for 2 seconds and heres how the convo goes:

Her: Ryan McEl…whatever
Me: Yes Ma’am that is me.
Her: Your suspended registration did you get it fixed.
Me: Yes here is the documentation (handed over)
Her: (without looking up or at papers) Ok good, its being reduced to a failure to notify the dmv of an address change. 25 dollar fine, court fee, no points. The misdemeanor suspended registration is thrown out.
Her: Speeding in zone 52 in a 40 is also thrown out for a parking ticket.
Her: Take this to the judge for processing.

So instead of a minimum of 6 points thrown back at me and countless fines, luckily they gave me 0 points and $150 of fines, so all in all it was very pleasant.

So this little mis-hap ended up running me $510 :eek: but for no points or traffic school, it was worth it.

Sorry for the long read, but just a follow up.

So what did you do to thank the ADA???

that’s awesome. i went through a similar thing almost 2 years ago now. it was a long epic battle with the courts, but a similar story. i danced on the way out of the court i was so happy at the end. it ended up costing my 105 dollars.

and i’m surprised you got off so easy in hamburg. they have always raped me when i’m there.

so want to sell your snow board? lol

I took her out for a nice seafood dinner and will never call her again!

Actually that one ended up getting sold the other day I just have failed to update my post.

hamburg isnt a bad place to get a ticket… just the brand new officers hand them out for ridiculous reasons to make a name for themselves.

The officer who issued me the tickets was actually a pretty nice guy and not an asshat about everything. He could have been a real dick but he let me choose my court date and ignored how dark the tint is on the Subaru also.