the electric car: the death of 240's and other imports?

I was thinking, what do you think will come of the tuning industry once we really start pushing electric cars. It seems much closer to being a reality and I feel it’s already knocking at our doors. Will it have a large effect on our hobby? Do you think we will find a way to still enjoy our cars or just simply pack up and move onto something new?


Were you happening to be watching this at the time?


Hah, nope. But also interesting. I was reading a news article on new electric cars and the funding the government will be pouring into for said new cars. As well as 10,000 off any new electric car.

Ya man, when electric cars become main-stream in 60 years, all of the rotted out 240s that are 80 years old will totally be phased out, all because of the electric car.

So you think it’s going to be 60 years away?.. I give it 10 to 15. Oh and I’m not just talking 240s. I mean the tuning industry as a whole aswell as many other car enthusiast clubs

we will just have to start “tuning” electric cars. You can always get more performance out of anything.

well always be able to slap coilovers, multi link, and new wheels on electric cars.

True enough. Maybe even electric motor swaps. Lol

ul have boosted batteries with higher mah /wattage/ voltage/ boosters!

we all need to stop being afraid of electric cars. if anything electric cars will allow us to continue to drive our 240sx’s because oil/gas will continue to be around. don’t be fearful of change.

Electric cars aren’t in the really near future, if not at all in terms of mainstream. I believe Hydrogen powered cars are the future since it’s the same process as gasoline powered cars to use and fill up at the “hydrogen pumps” rather than gas pumps. It’s already in effect in California with the Honda FCX Clarity.

The guys @ Top Gear, did a great presentation and makes sense overall.

I’m sure some of you may of seen this episode!

My Views:

  1. Hydrogen is Plentiful & Cheap!

  2. Electric - We Need A RELIABLE POWERGRID…unless you want blackouts or thunderstorms knocking out power so you can’t fill up or all those cars lockup the powergrid resulting in a blackout like a couple years back lol.

  3. Electric - Making the batteries uses lots of resources and pollutes the earth with lots of CO2 emissions in the process.

  4. Electric - Disposing of the batteries will be hazardous and costly once they die or wear out

  5. Electric - Do we really wanna wait for over an hour (Being very optimistic) for a full charge?

I’ve been saying for years that electric cars are a bandaid - not a solution.

There will always be old cars. dont even worry about it i could care less about these cars right now.

For electric cars, just have the roof, hood, and trunk fitted with solar panels to aid charging.

there is a few electric 240’s already .

i still can’t wrap my mind around going to an electrician to get my car fixed…sorry i’m oldschool… hopefully by the time those cars are implemented we would be able to teleport to anywhere

electric cars will create just as much co2 as gasoline engines… dont see why soo many people see them as the new cleaner vehicles…

on the other hand i dont see gasoline vehicles becoming obsolete anytime soon.

as long as there is people that love there “hobby” cars they will always be around… look at all the old mopar cars.

if there is an interest there will always be people too have clubs and meets just like we do. they just might be a bit more rare.

Ever hear of the GM EV1? the first perfected electric car on the market back in the mid to late 90s. The oil industry put away with them by paying off the politicians. They consumed low wattage (much less than the flawed TVR) and apparently the batteries had long lifespan which the Prius battery was based on. I have the movie (documentry) “Who killed the electric car” and it’s boring but suprising cause I never knew about it. Apparently they had made 400 and given them to random people in California to test out. Its fucked up but probably would have saved GM if they were allowed to mass produce it.