The end to the 518carscene "issues".

kramer is ban ready


He said he was sorry. :’(

nicole plz halp me i don’wannabe banned

Kramer iz good boi, no banzor guise.

boxxy FTW

Fuck off bakerian and go diaf

well thats rude.

Play him off Keyboard cat

Hes a rude boy.

  • rep to everyone in this thread.

this thread hurts my taint

I heard people were picking on my shitty car. I challenge ANYONE to a race(of who can drink a gallon of milk the fastest). :ahh

hahahahha i found this highhhhhly amusing… plus rep

ONLY if its from a roll

hahaha this thread cracked me up bigggg time


This thread = :rofl

Now what were we talking about?

giraffes and their relative importance to the safari ecosystem.