Need pet help.

(dont take this the wrong way) but if you have time to post, you have time to take 1 hour out of your day and play with her. surely you dont work 24 hours a day. Dont get me wrong, im sure you work alot…but alot of us do. it really does not take THAT much attention to keep her happy.
for example…
every single day, my dog is crated while we are at work from 7am to 5pm. when i get home, we let her out for a few…when she comes back in, i spend a half hour or so playing with her. fetch is a good one as its tiring. then, my wife takes her for a walk a little while after that…again…for about 1/2 hour. she has yet to destroy anything. keep i n mind, she is only 6 months old, and the breed is notorious for revenge if no attention is given. she pretty much sleeps the rest of the night after she is worn out. Its become such a routine for me now that its really no big deal.

as stated above…dont give up on her…CRATES work!! put her in it, throw a blanket over it, and they are happy!! they like confined spaces!! Then, you will not have to worry about her chewing anything! and, you would be amazed at how long a dog can “hold it”, so if you dont have time to let her out for a while, it wont kill them!

just giver her something to look forward to when you let her out at the end of the day, and play with her for a bit.