Need pet help.

I’d have to agree

Dogs, especially working dogs like dobermans and shepherds, get bored. If you’re “too busy” for the dog, you shouldn’t own it, simple as that. I’ve got a shepherd, and he’s a lot of work, but I make the time for him because I knew he would be a lot of work before I got him. The smarter the dog the more you have to exercise their brains to keep them out of trouble.

The kong is a good suggestion. I fill mine with peanut butter then throw it in the freezer overnight. It takes the dog a while to get the peanut butter out that way. I used to jam little dog biscuits in there but it only took him about 20 minutes to figure out that tossing the kong in the air and letting it bounce would get them out almost immediately. Smart little bastard. It was fun to watch until he bounced it off my hdtv. That was when I switched to frozen peanut butter.

I just ordered a book on search and rescue training and I’m going to start working with him on that next. As long as you’re training them they keep out of trouble.

Yah, I know. :frowning:

That’s the sad part. Fuck. I don’t want to give up my dog. I might have to. Gay.

i agree…working dogs require TONS off attention. Im going through it now without 6 month old husky. i heard somewhere, that it is an absolute MUST to spend a MINIMUM of 1/2 hour to 45 minutes each day playing with the dog. Also a good walk or run always helps to, and should be done daily…

I disagree with a muzzle, or anything like that…if its a matter of him getting into trouble while your working…buy a crate and put him in there. Chewing things other than the bones or toys you give it, is simply a shout for attention, plain and simple. If hes never been crated, he wont like it at all. Just drape a blanket over it and he will not complain as much. they actually like confined spaces, they feel more protected that way. also, make sure, if you do crate it, that there is only enough room for the dog to lay comfortably. no more. the more room you give them, the more antsy they get, and the more trouble they get into.

if you never watched that cesar millan (dog whisperer) i highly recommend it. I learned alot from him, and 99.9% of them methods of training he talked about, worked great on my dog…and i have the MOST stubborn breed.

My moms a vet who specializes in animal behavior. PMed

Time to man up. You made the committment to bring a high energy dog into your life. Now you’ve got to handle your business.

On the plus side all that this entails is taking her for a good walk every day. She’s just got too much energy and is frustrated.

My German Shepherd mix used to eat all my fiance’s shoes. Not as a puppy. She was over a year old and had already had a litter when I got her. She got over it with a little consistent exercise, discipline, and leadership (think: routine.) Don’t give up on her.

I really didn’t feel like reading through all the responses, just so you know.

Buuuttttttttt… they have this spray called like “bitter spray” that you can spray on things and then she won’t chew on them, because she won’t enjoy the taste one bit. And, if she’s a puppy, I’m sure she’ll grow out of it. Buy her a lot of chew toys or something.

or you can get a retarded dog like our one dog Goliath. He actually likes the taste of that crap. So spraying it on stuff was like putting seasoning on it for him.

What kind of dog is Goliath?

tan Great Dane

See this is what I am saying. I realize I need more time for her. Right now is just difficult. I don’t think many people truly understand just how much I work.

I know it is my responsibility. That’s the shitty part cause I know it’s not fair to her.

She has plenty of toys just gets bored and wants to destroy things, which makes me want to stab, kill, repeat.

I’m gonna look into the spray stuff and try and get her out more. She is nuts.

not sure on price, but you could always look into those doggie daycares or do you know anyone who can puppy sit during the day?

I have no idea where you’re located, but one of my managers just opened up a Doggy Daycare on the side. It’s located in Blasdell right on Rt.5. I’m sure if you said I recommended you, she miiiight be able to give you a deal. They also have grooming and shit there. It’s a nice place. Nice people.

hah thats not bad… my dog is such a fucking retard he’ll sit in the shock zone sometimes with the radio fence and i think he likes it

Dog chews up place, kick dog, dog chews up shoes, kick dog, dog poops on floor, kick dog, dog steals crunk juice, kick dog…lather rinse repeat

(dont take this the wrong way) but if you have time to post, you have time to take 1 hour out of your day and play with her. surely you dont work 24 hours a day. Dont get me wrong, im sure you work alot…but alot of us do. it really does not take THAT much attention to keep her happy.
for example…
every single day, my dog is crated while we are at work from 7am to 5pm. when i get home, we let her out for a few…when she comes back in, i spend a half hour or so playing with her. fetch is a good one as its tiring. then, my wife takes her for a walk a little while after that…again…for about 1/2 hour. she has yet to destroy anything. keep i n mind, she is only 6 months old, and the breed is notorious for revenge if no attention is given. she pretty much sleeps the rest of the night after she is worn out. Its become such a routine for me now that its really no big deal.

as stated above…dont give up on her…CRATES work!! put her in it, throw a blanket over it, and they are happy!! they like confined spaces!! Then, you will not have to worry about her chewing anything! and, you would be amazed at how long a dog can “hold it”, so if you dont have time to let her out for a while, it wont kill them!

just giver her something to look forward to when you let her out at the end of the day, and play with her for a bit.

:lol: My German Shepard (back when I had one) was the same way. There is no easy fix Don. SPEND TIME WITH THE DOG. OR SHE WILL CHEW YOUR MATTRESS AND YOU WILL BE SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR.

No crate training or spray will fix it. You have a lot of time to make up for. IF you don’t have the time, give her to someone who does.

Multi tasking my friend. Just take a look at when my posts are made ;). Prices in the AM, work on cars in the day/PM, more quotes at night…rinse, repeat.

I agree, its just a little hard to let her loose at this age in the shop especially If I have work to attend to.

I have a crate…See the thing that alot of you are missing is I have tried just about everything…thats why i’m asking for additional suggestions…read my posts I have done all suggestions minus the nasty spray which she will probably like who knows. It just doesnt help.

It’s a compounded problem Don.

Also it is partly due to her age. She’s not an adult yet, and will do these kinds of things. the fact that this has been going on for the most part without successfully being curbed means you will have to do that much more to bring things back into balance.