The evolution of Barry Bonds.


My point exactly.

I’ve been a Bonds fan way back when he was on the pirates and I still could care less if he did juice or not. In 1 year a serious athlete could easily pack on 30 lbs of muscle if they have the proper diet/trainer as stated above.

They didn’t technically start the steroid tests until 2004 (from what I read in an earlier article so maybe I’m wrong).

Who knows maybe Hank Aaron used some illegal performance enhancing drug back in his day? We will never know, nor to me would it matter.

I do know one thing, A-Rod will pass Bonds eventually, and then Pujols will pass him (it’s possible).

I’m still rooting for my boy Griffey Jr. to start pounding em away and get that record lol.


There isn’t a chance in hell a baseball player can put on 30 lbs of muscle in 1 year. They have practically no time during the season to even touch a gym, and even if they did most ball clubs wouldn’t condone it. In the off season most players play in southern/western leagues. Latin players go back home and play in their own leagues.

:tup: A-Rod will pass Bonds but Conseco says his new book has dirt on A-Rod as well.

They were testing for steroids before 2004 but not HGH.