The fcuk does this story even mean?


Why do I have an image of a lot of Vodka being consumed and lots of laughter in my head while this decision was being made?
They must be REALLY bored over there.


Thats just what I was thinking. Ten men in a room, drunk as skunks, one says “Hey guys remember the TU-95 is still out back?” Everyone replies, “Oh hell yah”. Then they all stumble out and fill up the plane, get in and take off, drinking heavily the entire time. Then then wake up, wondering what the hell just happened, and realized they are in the bomber. “Oh shit” on guy says as he sees the US fighter jet outside. They take off the auto pilot, and one guy says “How long until we get home?” The guy flying replies “maybe 13 hours?” Collective group…“Awh f%$K we need to slow down on the booze” …“Anyone have any vodka left to pass the time?” hahahahah