The FRC Project

this guy named wayne made this 02 relocator. it acts the same as the “02 simulator” but works better for cars that the 02s might be close to the ground since it offsets it 90* so it doesnt hang down.

i know alot of people stack simulators and it puts the 02 way out too. VW guys have been using these for years and they have worked great. serves the same function, just a bit neater of a package

cool man!

um I think your confused on the type of o2 simulator im talking about…

its a small 1" cylinder looking plug that plugs right onto the o2 wiring harness…no hanging down, all electrical. It fools the computer telling it there are cats…

that o2 simulator shit is junk… i remember dave had those on his old cobra and they still threw a code

those are cool brett, but do they actually serve the same purpose? me and smokin are talking about a piggy back harness that fools the voltage reading to the comp into thinking there are still cats in place. and they arent junk tdi, if you have a good set they work fine.