my wife will, so long as she can fuck her too… :crackup
ya, roll your eyes at me. I’m not the one with girl problems. :bowdown
were can i get one of those
Neither am I. :banana
back together
If not, her number is to be pm’d to me in 10 minutes or else. ;D
No girlfriend= no problems (I think).
Thats shitty.
Ive never had much luck with the ladies.
Id rather just spend my money on my car and do my own thing anyway.
I don’t blame you. That’s an awful situation to have to go through.
I stick to lovin’ my car. She might not be perfect but I know she won’t ever leave me. :lol
if my car had a vagina I would so fuck it right now :rofl
I like to stick it in my car’s tailpipe on occasion… she’s on the pill so I don’t have to wear protection. :nana Oh, and i’m not referring to my car with that 2nd statement. :crackup
haha most of these pricks are …every girl i seem to date call me “to nice” maybe thats why i cant get past the 3rd date :headbang
My girlfriend is perfect. This hread is a bit weird but has epic potential.
ofcourse it will be epic
kinda yes and no at the same time, ya know what i mean?
Fuck that man. If I were in your position I would use that pent up anger or whatever you want to call it and fuck every girl that even looked at me the wrong way. First it would be all of her best friends, then I would move on to whoever I could find just to say fuck you to her.
I know man, ive had something like that happen to me, the girl that I lost my virginity to when i was 13 is a crackhead and sucks dick for crack (no bullshit), pretty sad, oh well back to my xbox 360
Which is why it was easy for you?
Yeah dude, the chick I lost my virginity to was a skank (She liked me, I told her I dident wanna get into a relationship, she agreed to sechs and then the following happend because of this), I fucked her, 10 minutes later my friend fucked her, the next day a 3rd friend fucked her, then then 2nd friend fucked her again, repeadatly, got her preggers, and then she had a misscaraige…and now she bangs everyone… She was really a sweet girl, wasnt a skank , only fucked one dude… dunno what happend… aparently me and my friend set it off for her haha…
Its funny to, sechs was awsome for the longest time, even with a rubber on, but now after having secks without one, i dont think i could ever have sex with a condom on again
i hate them damn things. its like “oh hold on a sec, honey, i need to get this tire on me” but hey, its better with that than having some sort of fungus on ur dingus, amirite?