The gun debate

Go to SUNY Albany. Where did I EVER say it’s “schools I heard about on the internet?” Stop putting words in my mouth. I can use Wiki as a source all I want, if you don’t like it a source feel free to find other sourced disproving it. Until then, I and the rest of the world use Wiki as one of the primary sources that sum up other sources in a easy to read and digest way.

Cossey “Fruits are bad for you”
me “Oranges aren’t bad”
Cossey “Where did I say Oranges are bad? I know it’s a fruit, but you aren’t allowing to use blanket statements by breaking it down further”

Where did I say that their crime rate has nothing to do with their gun laws?

When did I ever say that you said that? Nope I didn’t. Thanks for playing. I mentioned a hypothetical counter point by you on an extreme, which also didn’t make sense.

Then stop arguing with me.

And it’s cute how you say I turn a debate into something that it isn’t as you’re bringing my personal self into a debate about guns and politics as part of your argument.

What IS your point then? You said UK has a gun ban and has a higher violent crime rate, followed by a sarcastic “Lets BAN Guns guys!”

Blanket statements are fun, I’ll just join that game.

Adults in their 20’s with guns are extremely dangerous and attribute to the most homicides in the country as they aren’t responsible or mature and make the rest of the gun owners look bad, encouraging anti gun legislation.