The Happening

and Zooey D. is in it also. I love her for some reason

Really? Did you forget his past?

it was not good.

that bad?

um. it’s not terrible. but some of the dialogue was just awful.

I went into it thinking that i would like this movie despite what everyone was saying.

I was wrong.

would you buy the dvd? thats really all I look for, if its a 1/5 but anyone would buy it then should be a ok movie to watch


dude it sucked. cool idea, but lame as hell


The acting was beyond terrible, I get the idea and it wasnt a bad one but the movie blew. I really wanted it not too. I’m also not sure if i was sleeping or what but I didn’t see anyone get run over by a lawn mower like the preview. Only good things was before the movie started they showed the trailer for the new X-Files movie.

why did they force mark wahlberg to fucking talk like that? pissed me off the whole movie.

other than that it was OK, talk about leaving you hanging at the end though. ugh.

Robot Chicken quote…I win

It sucks more than Just Karter, Sedlimeroejkro-ijefknaodfno, CKY89 and speedped combined


100% agreed

As if you didnt know what was happening?


Hey guys, whats Happening in this thread?

see i figured it would suck like the most of the others he has put out so far

i looked up the soiler instead of waseting my time.Seen the strangers instead.

i heard this movie HAPPENED to be terrible

Eh it sucked.