The Happening

IMHO…M. night’s movies are sub-par at best

this movie fucking sucked…


damn it had so much potential.

I saw this last night… i’ll give it a 6/10. It was god-awful… but some of the suicide scenes were kinda really fucking funny, in a dark horrible way.

It’s raining construction workers?

Sharing the pistol? both times?

Lawnmower guy? OM NOM NOM

funny, but fucked up nonetheless.

BRB gonna cut down all the trees I see so they don’t kill me.

i would have liked it, if

in the end when they showed the other city across the globe about to have the same thing HAPPEN, had a few crazy slayings, just to have the horror flick ending

His movie quality just keeps deteriorating.

It all went downhill after Signs.


feel it feel it

feel the vibrations

Mark Wahlberg said on O&A that he shoots down the ideas of others so often that they all call him Saddam

just saw it. is there a return policy?

Downloaded it. Watched it. Glad I didn’t pay for it.

Just downloaded the DVD, figured it might make a nice movie for a Saturday night…

Wow was this one just bad.

I liked Shyamalan’s Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs, I even liked The Village where most people didn’t.

Lady in the Water I absolutely did not like. In fact I had to watch it three times because I fell asleep or walked away halfway through the first 2 times.

This one might not be worse than Lady in the Water, but it def was not something good. I am so glad I didn’t pay to see it.