The I'm still in college because I don't want to get a real job yet thread

k im wrong sorry… as for my father,I fucking WISH i could be like him retiring at the age of 40 with 2 million cash living in a castle in the carribean and believe you me it IS a castle with 16 foot walls around it… The fucking SALES TAXES he had to pay the goverment just for selling his business you wont make for ten years… You know nothing and its sad. I truely feel bad for you that youll be just another slave to society doing your little 9-5 for the next 40-50 years with nothing to show for it…

Lots of pointless arguing ITT. Some people simply are not meant to go to college, and there’s a big difference between those people that choose to simply accept that before and those that accept it after they’ve gone to college. Some people aren’t meant to work for a corporation or anything like that. The big thing is direction. Some people have it, some don’t.

SUMMARY IN ADVANCE: You gotta know what you’re going to school for, as specifically as possible, if that’s the way you want to go.

Engineering was a great direction for me, and I’m currently on an internship and making really good money. I have benefits, make my own shift and sit at a computer most of the day listening to music. I love it. I’m never going back to work in retail again :lol I want to do more than this with my degree down the road, but its only an internship for now and you have to start somewhere. Work experience on any degree, especially in Engineering, is a solid way to stand apart from the large group of people who all have your degree.

Dave, you do what you are good at. You work your ass off and give yourself the chance to make bank all the time. I’m glad you know, as young as you are, what you want to do to be successful in life. I don’t consider it hustling because someone comes in and needs money, you offer them money, they accept it. You are getting paid for the time that you are sitting on that item (probably applies more so to electronics than gold, but you see my point hopefully).

Liberal arts degrees bother me because I honestly don’t see it as much in today’s world, unless its used as a stepping stone for a specified masters degree, where you can make bank and have a job in the field of your choice.

good point and i agree but not always true, i went to school for architecture which i must say is one of the harder majors and i cant find a job to save my life… unemployment for arch grads is like 14.5 % and for arch grads 30 years and older with experience their unemployment rate is at 9.2 % that was in yahoo news the other week.

i had an internship with a big construction company doing shop dwgs and estimating and being a project manager but it didn’t guarantee me a job when i got out of school and therefore i didnt get the job with them.

getting a job has a ton to do with the current economy and timing of when you get out of school

just my .02

Pretty much this.

Both of my parents own their own seperate businesses. When I was a little kid, my dad said something to me that really stuck:

“You will never make any money working for someone else”.

Sure, there are exceptions. (Surgeon/Lawyer/Politician) But owning your own business comes with a lot of long hours and hard work/stress. Not to mention you have to pay for benefits yourself ($$$$).

They both have their own trade offs. Just do what makes you happy.

The issue is these dumb motherfuckers that get degrees in French Poetry, then wonder why the fuck they can’t get a job after college.

My father said the same thing to me and I don’t completely agree with it anymore. My bank account looks pretty good if I say so myself and I didn’t need a degree to pursue the career field I am in.

Again, I estimated what the car would have made at increased boost based on math, like kk said its a sales technique JUST like Alex collecting $8,500 cash from me and THEN discussing my clutch and other issues with the car i bought from him… But Alex is your friend so it doesnt count, he cant be dishonest right?

Agree, if you know how to save money you CAN make and maintain a nice chunk of cash working for someone else… My first job was a fuckin baker at dunkin donuts making $10 an hour plus tips. Everyone I worked with was scummy and lived pay check to pay check… I saved every dollar I had and was living in a studio apartment but had like $20k in the bank which at that time was pretty good. I’ll always opt for business however as I like to be my own boss, create my own hours and make more money then any job I PERSONALLY would be interested in going after… I actually looked into the Military at one point in time, you dont get paid jack shit but yet at the end of the day youve got over $100k in your bank because your forced to not spend your money for the most part.

You’re both right. They key is hard work.

Honestly if I could though I would go into business for myself. It’s gotta be a great feeling to know you are your own boss and that your doing well in a challenging economy.

Got a job interview friday… can’t wait.

Good shit dude. Where at? CSX?

Yup… for a conductor position. I’m really hoping I get it.

Awesome dude. Good luck. Conductors on average kill three people in their career. Have fun.

Thread split

You basically have the job at this point if you have an interview pending you can pass a hair follicle drug test and you are not legally color blind or deaf.

You kill more deer then any hunter ever will in your entire career.

Never join the military for money or benefits including signing bonuses or college money, thats the dumbest idea I constantly hear about, its not some job you can just “quit” when you are sick of it LOL. I hate people that join for all the wrong reasons, if you don’t know what you are getting into then either you are a moron or your recruiter is a tool. Just my opinion LOL.

All the reason I didnt join lol… I only considered joining because I just moved up to Albany and didnt like it one bit but had no idea what else to do… My recruiter lied constantly about stupid shit to get me to join, I actually ducked out at the last second at the hotel right before you swear in or whatever.

A recruiter bothered me for years, and it was well before I was 18 too. Should have called the cops on the guy for bugging the shit out of a minor. That was my punishment for thinking taking the ASVAB would be a good way to skip out on class.